South Africa: Julius Malema attacks President Cyril Ramaphosa’s salary

After the excesses of Jacob Zuma, the lifestyle of Cyril Ramaphosa is increasingly scrutinized in South Africa. The publication of the future state budget has made it possible to know more about the income of the new head of state, who will earn an annual salary higher than that of the deposed president.

In 2018, Cyril Ramaphosa will earn nearly 248,000 euros, almost 50,000 euros more than his predecessor, Jacob Zuma, whose salary exceeded 197 500 euros per year. The South African head of state remains the highest paid in Africa and ranks in the top 10 globally.

Campaigning for funds for the public hospital on March 1, the head of the Fighters for Economic Freedom (EFF), Julius Malema, said Cyril Ramaphosa could invest his salary in the health system of his country.

“Already a billionaire”

Julius Malema pointed out that Cyril Ramaphosa did not really need his income as president since he was “already a billionaire”. He also said that “the house [of the head of state at the Cape] is in better condition than the pediatric ward of the hospital in Soweto.”

This speech, a bit populist, is based on a reality. President Cyril Ramaphosa was South Africa’s twelfth largest fortune in 2015, according to Forbes magazine .

He owns 32 properties in South Africa, according to his declaration of heritage, far from the economic reality of many South Africans.

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