Stages that you will have to go through to make a healthy relationship

Relationships are not just feelings that make you want to be with a specific person. For the connection to be healthy, you have to make efforts to develop and improve it. As a rule, this requires going through several critical stages — let’s talk about them in more detail.

4 stages that you will have to go through to make a healthy relationship

1. The stage of the conversation

This is the first stage of a relationship when you get to know a girl and start actively spending time together, immersing yourself in communication. You have long conversations, get to know each other better, and experience pleasant emotions. At this moment, there is a realization that you are gradually becoming a part of the partner life, and she is yours.

The conversation stage is the foundation for falling in love, which will later develop into a deep feeling of love or end in disappointment. Why is it essential for a healthy relationship? It is hardly possible to build the intimacy and trust that are their foundation without understanding. That’s what long conversations are for, aimed at realizing what kind of person the partner you met is and whether you want to continue communicating with her.

Often, people who skip the conversation stage and immediately move on to passion and sex realize that they lived only by their expectations and illusions. Ultimately, it ends in great disappointment, especially if the “flame” has died out and nothing in common between the partners has been found. That’s why it’s essential to pay special attention to this relationship stage and not rush through it.

2. The stage of emotional attachment

After you and the partner get to know each other and decide that you want to be together, the stage of emotional attachment gradually begins. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article. It is characterized by the need to be around more often to make joint plans. At this time, love arises, characterized by excitement, the intensity of emotions, and experiences. As a rule, at this stage, couples decide that they do not just want to spend time together but to meet.

At the same time, new obligations that are not typical for a “conversational milestone” include remaining faithful to one person and the need to include him in your life priorities. You can’t build a healthy relationship without emotional attachment. It helps to develop intimacy and trust, overcome setbacks, and cope with a clash of opinions that cannot be avoided.

3. The stability and definition stage

The stage of a relationship is a harbinger of true love. During this time, you both have emotional obligations to each other, rejecting all potential lovers on the side and taking care to maintain an honest and trusting romantic relationship. The relationship becomes more defined: you feel like a couple, build standard long-term plans, and establish closer contacts with families and friends.

As a rule, at this stage, passion fades and is replaced by more measured feelings. Sometimes, this can cause frustration or boredom in a relationship — that’s why it’s essential to strengthen interest in each other and spend quite a lot of time together.

4. The stage of love

This is the final and more profound stage of a relationship, which not all couples reach. Going through it, you and the partner begin to explore different aspects of your feelings, realize how you differ, and look for compromises. You know each other so well that you can anticipate the actions and emotions you will experience. Your trust and intimacy are at the top, so you talk about anything, openly share your feelings, and are not afraid to be who you are.

In a healthy relationship, the stage of love is when the engagement is made, and the partners get married. Because they got to know each other well and went through many joys and difficulties together, they are sure that their desire to create a family is conscious and correct. And the longer the stage of love lasts, the more commitment, trust, and intimacy grow. This is perhaps the most wonderful thing in a healthy relationship — when you feel respected, accepted, and appreciated for who you are.

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