Stone from Brazil, on which a map of the starry sky was depicted 6,000 years ago

A massive stone with ancient images was found in the Brazilian municipality of Inga, Paraíba state. According to scientists, numerous symbols on it were carved about 6,000 years ago.
Among the drawings are most of the images of people, animals, birds, and plants, which is not surprising for the work of representatives of ancient civilizations. However, among them is quite an accurate map of the Milky Way and, separately – the constellation of Orion.
The size of the stone is 46 meters long and 3.8 meters high. This is more than 170 square meters. Why was it necessary to fill this entire area with images, and why the focus was on the image of the constellation of Orion, a big mystery, say, archaeologists.

Perhaps it has to do with the religion of the ancient tribes. If this is not the case, we can assume that 6,000 years ago, South Americans communicated with extraterrestrial beings who gave them astronomical knowledge.
However, such an assumption is already from the field of ufology rather than official science. One thing is clear: ancient people were interested in astronomy, and their knowledge in this field was not primitive at all.