Tear gas against thousands of protesters in Sudan

Sudan’s security forces fired tear gas canisters on Saturday in an attempt to disperse thousands of opponents of the military regime as they approached the presidential palace. The internet and telephone connections are cut off in Sudan.

The crowd approached the presidential palace within fifty yards. The palace is home to the transitional authorities led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane, who staged a coup two months ago. 48 people were killed in the repression that followed the coup. On Saturday, protesters evacuated injured people after tear gas was fired, it has been established on the spot.

The authorities first cut off the mobile internet in the early morning, and then the telephone connections were cut. Protesters who wanted to move to the palace from the various neighborhoods and suburbs discovered that huge containers had been placed overnight to block the bridges over the Nile.

Still, the demonstrators were thousands by the beginning of the afternoon, as every time they demonstrate. In a sea of Sudanese flags, they jeered at the army, army chief Burhane and even Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, who is not a military man but took office anyway and thus resigned himself to the current situation and the extension of the mandate of General Burhane at the head of the country.

The pro-democracy doctors’ syndicate that has been registering the victims of the repression since 2018 fears a new outbreak of violence and “asks the world to keep an eye on what’s about to happen” as militants struggle to get images out of the country.

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