Tension remains high between Somaliland and Puntland

Tension remains strong between Somaliland, a self-proclaimed independent territory in 1991, and Somalia’s neighboring country, Puntland.

The armies of both sides have clashed directly on several occasions since the beginning of the year.

In late May, heavy fighting in the disputed border area of ​​Tukaraq caused many casualties, without the record being known.

Unprecedented violence.

Since then, no resumption of hostilities, but the climate remains abhorrent between the two parties and the international community is struggling to calm the game.

Puntland says there will be no negotiations unless Somaliland withdraws its troops from its territory, the Tukaraq area, claimed by both sides.

Garowe is asking his citizens not to go to Somaliland and his students already there to return home.

Announcement following the controversial remarks of the opponent Faysal Ali Warabe, who considered that the young Puntlanders following a school curriculum in Somaliland posed a threat.

Somaliland, for its part, refuses to withdraw its soldiers. Authorities cracked down on demonstrations, arrested journalists, cut two TV channels. Fifteen African human rights organizations have jointly denounced attacks on freedom of expression.

The international community has tried to ease tensions, but to no avail. “The United Nations is very engaged in Somalia and therefore poorly seen by Somaliland. And Westerners have little hold,” says a good source, who considers the firmness of Somaliland counterproductive for its search for international recognition.

However, Westerners have not yet provided for a sanction. “But if it continues we could review our position,” says a diplomat.

But the context is not conducive. Elections in Puntland are scheduled for next year. President Gas seems to want to represent himself and can not afford to be weak. His counterpart in Somaliland, Muse Bihi, elected in November, has chosen a hard line since he begins his regime.

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