terrorist group link to IS avenges al-Baghdadi death by beheading Christians

Terrorist Group IS in West Africa (ISWAP) distributed a video last night that shows how eleven men, who are said to be Christians, are executed. The facts are said to have taken place in northeast Nigeria.

According to a masked man, the execution is a revenge for the death of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who died in October by blowing up a bomb vest during an American operation in Syria. The 56-second video was distributed via Amaq, the propaganda channel of IS. “This is a message to all Christians in the world,” says the masked man.

Boko Haram

ISWAP stems from a rift within terrorist group Boko Haram. In recent days, the number of jihadi acts of violence in northeastern Nigeria has increased. For example, seven people died on Christmas Eve at a raid by Boko Haram against a Christian village near Chibok. A young person was kidnapped.

The identity of the victims killed in the recent video is not known. Ten are beheaded, an eleventh victim is shot. The men were all captured in the last few weeks, according to ISWAP. The murders were allegedly committed in the northeastern state of Borno.

2 million displaced persons

Jihadis have killed more than 36,000 people in Nigeria in 10 years, according to the latest UN figures. They also displaced 2 million civilians, causing a humanitarian crisis in the region. Neighboring countries Niger, Chad and Cameroon are also plagued by jihadis.

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