The fugitive Brazilian “healer” who abused hundreds of women

The paragnost who is being tried by the court in Brazil for sexual aggression has withdrawn 9 million United States dollars from his bank account, according to the newspaper O Globo.

It was that Wednesday’s cash withdrawal that led the authorities to issue a warrant on Friday against the named Joao de Deus (John of God) because they feared he would flee the country, Brazilian media reports. Negotiations are in progress about his surrender. But on Sunday afternoon, the 76-year-old psychic had not yet reported. The public prosecutor considers him to be a fugitive, and an arrest warrant with high priority has now been issued by Interpol.

‘Therapeutic sessions’

According to O Globo, Wednesday 35 million reais (about 9 million dollars) was withdrawn from the bank account belonging to Joao Teixeira Faria de Faria (his real name). That was five days after the scandal broke around him. In a report on TV Globo, the largest channel in Brazil, women had witnessed how they had become victims of his sexual violence during so-called therapeutic sessions or “mental healings”. The women said that they were forced into masturbation and fellatio.

“My father is a monster”

In an interview with Veja magazine, Dalva Teixeira, the daughter of Joao de Deus, said that she had been sexually abused by her father from the age of 10 to the age of 14. She had fled after he started to beat her, because she had become pregnant. “My father is a monster”, said the Brazilian, who is now 49 years old.

After the broadcast of the report on Globo TV, hundreds of women have come out with testimonies about similar facts.

In addition to Brazilian women, there are also complaints from victims from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Bolivia, the US and Switzerland. And the last three presidents of Brazil have also appealed to his services.

©REUTERS Supporters of ‘Joao de Deus’ (‘John of God’) hold a support demonstration in the central municipality of Abadiania.

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