The usefulness of references on a resume

Do you want to prove to your future employer that you are strong in your shoes? Mention a number of references on your resume. These are executives or colleagues from the past who can confirm that you are a real asset to a company.

Keep the following unwritten rules in mind, because otherwise, you might do more harm than good.

Choose wisely

Have you left in a quarrel with your previous job? Or are you not 100 percent sure that the one chef will paint a rosy picture of you? If so, do not mention any contact details. Or not from that person.

Statements such as ‘he worked well, but was often absent’ will not increase your chances of being hired. References are a nice extra on your resume, but certainly not a must. When in doubt, you better play safe.

Request permission

Do you want to mention a reference? Then just check with the person in question if that is okay. Requesting permission is not only experienced, but it also prevents misunderstandings.

Think immediately on what job you are applying for and why you would like to work for that one company.

For example, your former colleague will not be dismissed if he receives a telephone from a recruiter and he can immediately emphasize those strong points that are in line with the vacancy.

Be clear

The best place to mention a reference on your resume? Either just below your work experience or at the very bottom. If necessary, use ‘reference (s)’ as an intermediate title.

Then enter the name, position, telephone number and e-mail address of your former work partner. If you want, you can briefly outline your working relationship, but stick to one or two sentences.

Teachers are also references

Have you just graduated and do not have any former bosses or colleagues who can do a good job for you? No worries. Teachers and internship supervisors are also excellent references! They may only know you as a student, but they can undoubtedly tell you something about your perseverance or creative view.

Even if you used to do student work or have done a job, you can mention those employers. Even if you apply in another sector. After all, properties such as reliability and punctuality are indispensable in every area.

Do not lie

Whoever records you as a reference, make sure you are honest. If you apply online, you sometimes have to provide contact from a previous company.

It may be tempting to come up with a telephone number or mention a good friend to complete the application process more quickly. Realize that recruiters often check references in such cases. So think twice before taking such a risk.

The usefulness of references on a resume

Tip: A good and clear resume or CV (curriculum vitae) is an indispensable link in finding a suitable job.

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