These 10 things can destroy any relationships

The relationship of two people is an extremely complicated affair, which can be influenced by various factors that arise both from outside and within the couple itself. If it is impossible to protect against external factors, we can avoid certain behaviors that can destroy relationships. So what is this behavior?
10 things that destroy any relationships
1. Negative view of the world

In everyone’s life, hard blows happen from time to time. Job loss, illness, and death of loved ones, an unfulfilled dream – all this seriously undermines a person’s optimism; he loses faith in the best and begins to look at everything through the prism of disappointment.
And this negativity is contagious. When one of the partners is constantly unhappy, and the second unsuccessfully tries to support him, console him, cheer him up, both eventually experience complete emotional devastation. They no longer feel joy from the relationship; attraction disappears. To get the latest stories, install our app here
Of course, after difficult situations, everyone needs time. Suppose your loved one has experienced this at first. In that case, it is worth acting delicately, supporting him, helping with solving problems, expressing negative emotions, and not requiring the same positive attitude as before. But if the experiences have dragged on, the problems have already been resolved, or enough time has passed, and the person continues to see the negative in everything, it is worth gently directing him to therapy. Few people manage to get a loved one out of depression on their own without the help of professionals.
2. Detachment
Sometimes, for some reason, one of the partners begins to behave detached: does not show care and tenderness, is not interested in the affairs of the second half, does not support conversations, or avoids them altogether. Often this is based on complex psychological reasons; without realizing it, a person project experiences from the past onto the current partner.
This may be, for example, a negative experience of relations with parents. Suppose they put pressure on a person in childhood, and he hardly got rid of their influence, then in adulthood. In that case, he will avoid a partner if his behavior somehow resembles his parents’ behavior. In this case, the distancing occurs unconsciously; the person himself cannot find the reason for the sudden disappearance of interest. To get the latest stories, install our app here
In the case of an unresolved issue or a hidden resentment, people tend to show passive aggression and openly demonstrate their indifference to the other half. Therefore, it is important to speak out all the claims aloud and look for solutions to disagreements together.
If the feelings have passed, detachment will be a natural behavior, and nothing can be done. The most important thing in this situation is not to cling to the past but to honestly answer the question of what you both want in the future.
3. Constant criticism

Criticism is perhaps the biggest enemy of a relationship. Wanting to lead a person with the help of harsh words or, seemingly, harmlessly making fun of him, you can completely discourage the desire to continue the relationship. It is especially dangerous if both partners are not shy in expressions, cling to trifles, and express any claims too sharply. To get the latest stories, install our app here
This kills mutual respect, and how can you maintain intimacy with someone you don’t respect? If you notice a habit of criticizing with or without reason, think about whether this feeling of being right or superior is more important to you than your soulmate. If, on the contrary, you are faced with such an attitude, do not answer the same but openly admit that you are uncomfortable. A brief conversation will likely be enough to listen to you.
4. Outside interference

Other people’s intervention in a couple’s life rarely leads to something good. Even if friends and relatives only want the best for you, their advice may turn out to be unsuccessful, and their opinion may be subjective.
Therefore, the advice of others should be treated with skepticism, and it is better not to devote anyone to the details of your personal life at all. If you doubt your partner, you still have to solve any problems together. And if everything is fine with you, do not let anyone destroy it.
5. Distrust
Relationships cannot be built without a solid foundation based on trust. If trust is destroyed, it won’t be easy to restore it. Even worse is distrust for no reason. Both partners should feel safe and confident in the other person: that he will not deceive or betray.
Constant suspicions and reproaches of alleged infidelity can destroy all the good in the pair. Therefore, it is so important to trust and avoid jealousy without reason. But it pays to be objective. If another person is constantly deceiving or has already been caught in a real betrayal, you need to understand that there is every reason that this will happen again. And you need to ask yourself if you are ready to endure this or the relationship has already outlived its usefulness. To get the latest stories, install our app here
6. Far-fetched grievances
Surely in everyone’s life, there was a situation when you wanted to be offended by a loved one because it seemed that behind his innocent words, a veiled claim or insult was hidden. At the same time, the man himself did not mean anything like that and sincerely did not understand the matter.
Looking for a problem where there is none is one of the surest ways to destroy a relationship. Evaluate the girl’s attitude towards you by her actions, and if they do not disagree with the words, do not think of anything for yourself.
7. Comparison with others
It may seem to you that your friend has a better relationship: he never quarrels with his girlfriend; she is always at the parade and in a good mood, and she also treats you very well. Whereas your soulmate often gets angry over little things, sometimes looks bad, and does not like this very friend too much. So, if you catch yourself in such thoughts, rather throw them out of your head. It makes no sense to think that “the grass is greener” and idealize someone else’s life somewhere. To get the latest stories, install our app here
We never see the whole picture. No matter how rosy all other people describe, there is always a negative that they are silent about, and ideal characters are only in the movies. A fairy tale romance of friends may actually be just an illusion. Appreciate your relationship, even if not perfect, if you really feel good in them.
8. Accusations

If there are mutual accusations in a couple, it is difficult to call them happy. Moreover, harsh statements do not help to resolve the issues. Instead of words like: “You are bad! Ruined everything again! Better calmly offer a solution. Say, “I feel offended and would feel better if you…” Such “I-messages,” delivered in a calm, benevolent tone, disarm and make the other person listen to you. To get the latest stories, install our app here
9. Different expressions of emotions
People often do not receive enough love and care because they look different from a partner on what manifestations of real feelings should look like. Someone considers constant hugs and kisses to be the main proof of love, someone needs stable help in everyday life, and someone cannot feel happy without warm words.
Instead of worrying whether she loves you the way you love her, find out what she values most in a relationship. And, of course, tell me what you need. You may need to remind each other more than once that you need to hug more often (wash dishes, compliment). But this is the only way you can build a strong bond.
10. Mismatch of interests
Different interests are not a critical but tangible problem that can destroy a relationship. There is nothing wrong if both of you have opposed hobbies that you devote your free time to without attracting a soul mate. To get the latest stories, install our app here
Even in the ideal relationship, partners need to have their own space and rest from each other. But if one is categorically against the hobbies of the other, then conflicts begin. No matter how annoying the girl’s hobby is, please don’t show it. Do not criticize when she talks about it, do not ridicule, but rather praise her success. Seeing your support, the beloved will certainly respond in kind.
Any relationship is always a union of two people, so two are responsible for their safety. Not only the above things cause a gap. A lot can shake the strongest connection if you don’t start working on the problem in time, don’t negotiate, don’t compromise, and, most importantly, don’t be honest with each other and yourself. It is important to be aware of your role in this situation. Then, even if this relationship cannot be saved, you will no longer repeat past mistakes in the next.