Three important lessons to learn from Jesus’ first miracle at Cana!

John 2: 1-12 is the first of many miracles Jesus performed in his 3 years of ministry on earth. As a reminder, this is the incident in which Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. This episode teaches us concepts that, if implemented in our prayer life, will be a great source of profit for us.

The Wedding at Cana episode tells the story of Christ’s very first miracle:

On the third day, a wedding took place at Cana, Galilee. Jesus’ mother was present. Jesus and his followers were also invited to the wedding. With the wine running out, Jesus’ mother told him, “They have no wine.” “What do you want with me, woman?” Jesus asked. “My time hasn’t arrived yet.” “Do whatever he tells you,” his mother told the servants.

Jesus had been invited

The first point to consider is why Jesus is attending this wedding. “Jesus was invited to the wedding celebration together with his disciples,” we read in John 2:2. As a minor detail, what may seem to you exposes an essential principle: Jesus has accepted the invitation.

He performed his first miracle because he was asked to. Jesus was warmly welcomed. He didn’t try to force himself into this couple’s marriage! We must request the Lord’s presence if we need a miracle in our lives. Jesus must be welcomed into our life, as well as our hearts! If Christ isn’t one of them, we can’t expect him to accomplish a miracle in our lives!

Jesus was made aware of the problem

We read in John 2:3:

“When they ran out of wine, Jesus’ mother told him, ‘They don’t have wine.’

Because Jesus is God, he must have been well aware that the wine would begin to run out. Despite being fully aware of the issue, Jesus asked his mother, “What do you want with me?” or, in other words, “What do you want from me?” Jesus desired that we approach him by describing the issue to him and, above all, by plainly expressing our need for him.

Jesus is waiting for us to seek his aid and acknowledge that we can’t achieve anything without him. “You do not have because you do not ask,” James 4:2 says. We may be so proud of ourselves that we fail to see how much we need God in our life. We must, however, develop humility and communicate our concerns with God.

God is capable of much more than we imagine!

According to the story, when the wedding planner tasted the wine that Jesus had prepared, he was astounded and addressed the groom as follows:

“Every man serves excellent wine first, then the less good when he’s intoxicated; you’ve preserved the good wine up to this point.” (John 2:10)

The master of ceremonies was pleasantly pleased and presumably did not anticipate such high-quality wine; after all, it was produced by the son of God himself! Is there anything more we can anticipate from him? Whatever man is capable of, Jesus will always exceed it. We can be sure of one thing when we anticipate a miracle from him in our lives: he will never do things halfway and will always give us the best!

This first miracle of Jesus shows three ideas that may change the way we pray! If we ask Christ to perform a miracle in our lives, share our needs with him, and anticipate exceptional results from him, he can! We worship the Impossible God. Is there anything he can’t accomplish in our lives if he can transform water into wine?

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