The top 10 list of most dangerous countries for women

In some countries, women are described as the weakest link in society.
Even though other countries are trying to change this image of women, in others, woman’s rights are flouted.
They are simply considered inferior to men. To overcome this inequality, charity NGO Thomson Reuters is committed to finding the 10 countries where women are the least treated.
To achieve this, the institution interviewed more than 500 people working in NGOs, hospitals and other institutions able to answer the question.
With this in mind, they have used four axes, namely the basic rights of education, property, or choice of life, cultural practices, freedom of access to care and sexual violence.
At the end, here is the ranking obtained:
1) India
2) Afghanistan
3) Syria
4) Somalia
5) Saudi Arabia
6) Pakistan
7) Democratic Republic of Congo
8) Yemen
9) Nigeria
10) United States
You will certainly have noticed the presence of the United States in this list. The reason is the criterion of sexual violence. Indeed, the #metoo movement has reversed the image of the United States. Worse, US President Donald Trump limits the right to abortion.
Along with this list, the list of the 10 countries that most respect women’s rights has been listed.
1) Iceland
2) Norway
3) Finland
4) Rwanda
5) Sweden
6) Nicaragua
7) Slovenia
8) Ireland
9) New Zealand
10) Philippine
For this last list, the NGO relied on the very low suicide rate, the low burnout rate and the modernist feminine conditions.