Top 5 hottest places in Africa

African is the hottest continent on earth, but not all the places in Africa are hot. There are some places with the highest temperature than others—overview of top five spots with highest temperatures.

In Africa, high temperatures occur in the summer season and winter, and calm and relaxation come only in the morning when the air cools down. Deaths from dehydration and heat stroke are common in these African areas. Therefore, instead of parks, many locals prefer to walk and live in houses underground. Extreme heat is even more difficult to tolerate if the air is too humid or polluted.

Top 5 places with the highest temperature in Africa

Dallol, Ethiopia

The Dallol settlement is located in Ethiopia’s Afar region and holds the highest average annual temperature ever recorded. From 1960 to 1966, the mean temperature in this area was 35°C. That is, the heat in this region, although not the most terrifying on the planet, does not subside almost all year round. At the same time, the heat comes not only from above – from the sun, but also below – from the earth, since the Afar region is a volcanically active region located near the Dallol volcano.

Fortunately, today this truly hellish place is considered a ghost town (a mining settlement here in the 1960s). In addition, this is one of the most remote places on the planet, there are no roads, and communication with Dallol exists through caravan routes directed to collect and deliver salt.

Kebili, Tunisia

It is believed that Kebili was founded almost 200 thousand years ago. Once upon a time, it was here that caravans arrived in search of cool water and rest – now, the temperature in Kebeli often exceeds 56 ° C.

Timbuktu, Mali

Despite its rich history, the city of Timbuktu is gradually receding in front of the looming Sahara Desert. New dunes appear now and then in the town itself, and the streets are often buried under the wind-blown sand. An accompanying problem of the city is the unbearable heat, which rises here above 55°C.

Al Aziziya, Libya

On September 13, 1922, the Libyan city of Al-Aziziyah recorded the world’s highest shade temperature, reaching 58°C. However, this does not mean that El-Aziziya is the hottest place on the planet.

Wadi Halfa, Sudan

Throughout the year, Wadi Halfa, a sweltering city located on the shores of Lake Nubia in Sudan, receives almost no rainfall. June is the hottest month, with average highs of 41 degrees. The hottest temperature ever recorded was 53 degrees in April 1967.

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