UCAD social campus closure angers students: review demanded

The Management of the Dakar University Works Center (Coud) has announced the closure of Cheikh Anta Diop University’s (UCAD) social campus for Thursday, August 22, 2024. The university’s Association Collective has contested this decision.

According to an information note from Coud Management, the UCAD social campus will be closed this Thursday at 6 p.m. until further notice. The UCAD Association Collective has expressed its dissatisfaction with this decision.

The collective claims that this “unilateral, uncoordinated and thoughtless” decision is a case of “first-rate amateurism” on the part of the Cloud. They note that this closure comes while most students are in Touba to celebrate the Grand Magal and that some faculties have not yet finished their courses.

Due to their educational activities, such as exams and tutorials, Cloud Management specified that students regularly enrolled in Law and FASEG would benefit from exceptional social support from August 23 to 31, 2024. However, this measure did not satisfy the students requesting a review of the closure decision.

The Collectif Des Amicales demands that the closure be postponed to allow students who have left for Magal to return to collect their belongings and for current faculties to finish the year in good condition. They also call on all students to remain calm, reassuring them that decisions of this nature cannot be implemented without prior consultation.

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