Unpleasant things unemployed people suffer daily

In the current economic crisis, job security is becoming a headache for millions of people. Who knows what the situation will be like next if everything continues as it is now? Maybe you haven’t been affected by the unemployment problem yet, that’s good.

Before you quit and go nowhere because you’re sick of everything or decide on radical changes with a very dubious prospect, you should be aware of the unpleasant things that unemployed people face daily.

7 unpleasant things unemployed people face daily

1. Lack of money

Many complain about low wages, which is a fair dissatisfaction. Work should be paid adequately, and only top managers of large companies will argue. However, even if your salary looks more like an average check in a supermarket, you still have the opportunity to purchase at least minimal benefits. You can pay for utilities, food, and other things, without which life would be hard.

An unemployed person does not have such a privilege. There is only a constant oppressive feeling of hopelessness when the number of stored bills in a wallet or numbers on a card steadily decreases. If some lower-level manager has a beacon in the form of an approaching salary, then the unemployed have only darkness ahead, which quickly drives them into depression.

2. The pressure on relatives

Phrases like “when you already find a job” or “as long as you can sit around, you’d better go as a janitor” can trample anyone, even someone with a steel psyche, into the mud.

Such pressure begins soon after the loss of a job. It increases every day, turning from a silent reproach into outright reproaches for the helplessness and senselessness of the unemployed’s existence.

Even gentle nudges in a specific direction can make you lose your temper. Every carelessly dropped, relatively peaceful phrase from parents, girlfriend, or other close person turns into “what a jerk you are.”

3. The harsh reality of the world of vacancies

Today, most of the vacancies are for sales managers and lower maintenance staff. We do not belittle the roles of various managers. Still, most people are unlikely to dream of sitting in an office and trying to impose a product or service on another person or company daily.

It is especially difficult for narrow specialists, for whom there may be a couple hundred open vacancies nationwide. And then there is a severe dilemma: give up everything and go to another city or agree to low pay, but on your own, where at least you have housing and relatives.

4. Hours of meaningless search

Some people like to sit on a chair straight because some relatives and friends are ready to support them financially and prolong the agony of lack of money and hopelessness.

But most people do not want to tolerate such a course of affairs and are forced to spend eight hours trying to isolate something worthwhile among tons of garbage and outright fraud.

Moreover, such searches are much more tiring than even overtime hours at work for free. It’s all about the psychological state — the hopelessness and uselessness of the time spent. Working, you know that you will get at least some crumbs for your efforts, and flipping through hundreds of vacancies every day is not a fact that there will be at least something.

5. Doubts about his competence and self-deprecation

If you were unemployed for at least a couple of months and sent dozens of responses daily, then you had nightmares about the text “Thank you for your interest in our company; unfortunately, your candidacy is not suitable …”
There is no explanation— a soulless machine notifies you, and HR did not even waste his time on at least some intelligible answer. You’re nothing to them, just a gear that can’t fit into the mechanism.

When you receive negative feedback repeatedly, you begin to accuse yourself of stupidity, ignorance, and other negative qualities, although this is not the case.

6. The fall of the quality qualification to a humiliating minimum

At first, any applicant looks at vacancies in their field that are most suitable for them. Over time, having received dozens of refusals or ignored responses, most lower the bar and are already searching for less suitable vacancies.

But even here, many run into a wall and descend lower and lower until they reach the very bottom. There, job offers already look like something on the verge of fraud with unclear job responsibilities and salaries.

Day after day, the unemployed are forced to respond to such humiliating jobs to find something. And it’s not a fact that their response will be viewed and will not be among the mass mailing of refusals.

7. Increasing procrastination and loss of orientation

Over time, when the unemployed state does not go away, and a certain number of refusals accumulate, a person procrastinates. He puts things off for later, which is understandable because when you don’t see any result of your work, a reasonable question arises: is it worth wasting time, effort, and nerves? You lose your bearings when your mind is increasingly filled with these doubts.

Why try? Why wouldn’t it be better to give up and go with the flow? Yes, let it be harmful and, most likely, will bring your body to the social bottom, but what’s the difference? In any case, no bright future is in sight, whether you try or not.

As soon as you feel something like this, you must immediately bring yourself to your senses and remember the purpose of your hard work. Never give up, and you will succeed. Remember that it wasn’t you who lost the opportunity to work in a company you are interested in; they lost the chance to hire such an employee. This thought will help you move forward.

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