Venezuela: Maduro accuses the United States of conspiracy against his country

Nicolas Maduro recently assured that the United States is behind a coup attempt.
Re-elected on Sunday with 68% of the vote against 21.2% for his main opponent, Henri Falcon, Nicolas Maduro is a president challenged by the international community who has also decided not to recognize the official result of this presidential, charged with “cheating”.
Thus, the European Union has decided not to follow up this event, while the United States continues their anti-Maduro crusade to the point that the latter has accused the country led by Donald Trump of conspiracy against him.
A fragile economy.
According to him, soldiers were recently arrested by the police, these soldiers would have acted in the boot of Washington to prevent the smooth conduct of the elections on Sunday. According to the head of state, the suspects confessed “to have sold to traitors who from Colombia have paid them in dollars so that they betray the honour, the morals and the loyalty of our armed forces”.
One more example, which proves again that Venezuela and United States have very complicated relations. Targeted by many accusations and sanctions, Venezuela is today a country on the edge of the abyss economically and socially speaking.
The record inflation affecting the country prevents citizens from living properly. Moreover, the country has decided to launch a cryptocurrency, the Petro, to provide a response to a catastrophic economic situation: “We have at our disposal some particularly innovative elements that can help us to solve the economic crisis and lift the country out of its lethargy. On the one hand, Venezuela is home to one of the largest oil reserves in the world with 300 billion barrels and gold reserves also very important. And on the other hand, the cryptocurrency universe offers a great deal of freedom compared to conventional financial systems. That’s why President Maduro decided to combine these two factors to launch the Petro,” said a member of the Venezuelan government recently.