What books to read on vacation?

Looking for something interesting to read over your summer break? Read lots of lists but still can’t find the one? Read on!

8 Books to read over the summer break

Already anticipating a great summer? Hopefully, it will be full of new experiences, memories, and discoveries. However, the summer is also a perfect opportunity to find some time for pleasure reading.

We are often so occupied with our daily tasks, academic assignments, and other obligations that reading indeed goes last on our to-do list. Even if one finds some free time by delegating essays to an experienced essay service online, reading can hardly compete with other urgent duties and responsibilities. Yet, the summer gives you an opportunity to change this routine.

Reading books during Vacation
Reading books during Vacation – ©Unsplash

Spare some time on finding the book you love to make your summer days and journeys more exciting. Dive deeply into the new worlds that books open in front of you.

We thought that reading a review on several most interesting books will be as helpful for you as reading essayhub reviews before choosing the right essay writing company to work with. Here is a list of books you may find interesting:

The Girl with The Louding Voice, by Abi Dare

This is a powerful story of a young Nigerian girl’s journey from being treated as property to a life that she owns. She dreams about getting an education and sees it as a chance to build up her own voice and speak up for herself.

Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes triumphant, this story gives us all hope for a better, brighter future with more equal opportunities regardless of origin and gender.

How the World Really Works, by Vaclav Smil

One of Bill Gates’s favorite authors, Vaclav Smil, spends much time studying the world’s agriculture, energy, and production networks. In this particular book, he uses his findings to explain human survivability in a digitalized economy. This book is great for those who wonder about the forces that shape their lives today, as well as project those affecting their lives in the future.

Why We’re Polarized, by Ezra Klein

This book is not about the social life of people but about their political identity that makes the whole society polarized. Ezra Klein, a political observer and a podcast host at The New York Times, studies the impact race and ideology have on political institutions across the globe. By doing so, Klein explains the changes and makes predictions about the U.S. future.

Translating Myself and Others, by Jhumpa Lahiri

Jhumpa Lahiri, a Pulitzer Prize winner, created this book as an ode to language. She studies the perplexities and complexities of translation, looks deeply at its origins, and closely intertwines translation with her personal life and experiences. Her observations make readers look at translation from another perspective, enlightening the practical and inspirational value of this activity.

When Helping Hurts, by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

The book studies the problem of poverty and the global efforts toward its eradication. Authors look into the amount of help and its means and explain why executed efforts may sometimes be more harmful than beneficial. Corbett and Fikkert join forces to help people see where they make mistakes and develop strategies that can actually alleviate poverty.

Tell Me Everything: The Story of a Private Investigation, by Erika Krouse

Every true crime fanatic will absolutely love this book. This is a memoir of a former contractor of a private detective agency. She describes the details and nuances of various investigations, focusing on the most complex cases. However, the most attention is paid to investigating a sexual assault, which takes her on a dangerous but mind-blowing journey with an unpredictable ending.

Books to read on vacation
Books to read on vacation – ©Unsplash

Belle Greene, by Alexandra Lapierre

Belle Greene tells a story of a New York librarian who lived in the early 1900s. She was known as an intellectual being and managed the personal library of J. P. Morgan. It could be just a simple story of a regular person, but in fact, this book is about a monumental achievement.

In times when race dictated the rights and freedoms, Belle Greene managed to keep her Black origin a secret and control her own life.

Hollywood Ending: Harvey Weinstein and the Culture of Silence, by Ken Auletta

Of course, the case of Harvey Weinstein couldn’t have left people indifferent and found its continuation in many books. This one, however, explores the subject in detail, looking for interesting, and sometimes frightening details. Auletta asks what makes Weinstein who he is and why he was able to get away for so long. The book also studies the consequences of this scandal and its impact on Hollywood.


Reading is essential, it’s food for your brain. No matter how far you are planning to go this summer, take a book with you. You’ll never regret it.

When creating this list, our goal was to make sure that every person could find something of interest based on their individual taste. However, of course, the real 2022 must-read list is not limited to eight entries; it goes on and on.

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