What is true Christian faith?

Faith is defined in Hebrews 11 as “a strong assurance of things hoped for, and evidence of things not seen.” Nothing and no one can take away our certainty when we have the knowledge that information is accurate. It is so firmly ingrained in us that we are prepared to defend it vehemently. But that’s not all: taking a stand and sticking to our guns is merely the beginning of our faith.
It must be followed with a demonstration aimed at establishing its legitimacy. Faith that has no evidence to back it up is fragile faith. So, how can you be certain that you are displaying God-pleasing faith?
Faith vs disbelief
Of course, when we talk about faith, we’re talking about believing in the existence of God. Faith is strongly related to the concept of believing (Colossians 1:17). This begs the question of why some people believe while others do not.
Would they have profited from preferential treatment, from a “gift of faith” that others would not have received? Ecclesiastes 3:11 responds in part to this: God has implanted the concept of eternity in the minds of humankind, which implies that each human being enters the world with “spiritual capital” since we are spirit, soul, and body, and made in the image of God. In Romans 1: 27-28, Paul provides us some of the causes that drove humanity to reject their Creator:
“Men, forsaking their natural use of women, have inflamed their passions for one another, performing foul deeds man with man and obtaining the rewards that their folly merited in themselves.” Because they did not want to know God, God sentenced them to do worthless acts, full of all sorts of injustice and immorality […] “
Therefore, men’s negligence and ignorance are the two primary causes of their lack of confidence in God.
A faith like that of Jesus
But it is not the same sort of faith required of humans, whom the Bible refers to as “believers,” for the devils also believe. God wants us to have a faith that “leads to perfection” (Hebrews 12: 2). The spirit’s activity in us is, of course, to build us up in the same faith and build us up in the same faith.
Purify it as much as possible to make it as pure as Jesus’. What was the reason for Jesus’ faith? What was he trying to educate men? The purpose of acceptable faith should be to glorify the Father, as Jesus only lived to do.
Even though it seemed legal, he never requested anything for himself (as during temptation, for example). He demonstrated that any religion that turned to ourselves could never honour God. He may undoubtedly get financial rewards, but his faith is meaningless if the Father does not draw any glory from it. God seals real trust only when he discovers in us the example of perfect faith that he has given to us: his only son, Jesus Christ.
A faith that is outspoken and does not conceal
If we were not faced with humankind, our religion would be bereft of realities. There is no grandeur in being a “saint in the wilderness,” apart from temptation, adversity, and human conflict. On the other hand, the true hero is the one who, while in Sodom, saves himself from the ashes and persuades others to do the same.
Our faith is heroic if God accepts it, but if humankind testifies that we are in Him. Jesus understood that in his harsh and challenging surroundings, occupied by the Romans and rife with injustices and crimes, he needed to establish his life and the lives of his followers on certain ideals that promised them peace.
Our religion must be free of every judgment, even that of those who do not believe, for God has reserved wrath and punishment for Himself. (See Romans 12:19.) However, just because many around us reject to obey God does not imply that we should remain silent.
Faith that is accompanied by actions
True faith must be active rather than passive. It must be followed with deeds of goodness. There is no sense in claiming to be a Christian if our attitude, demeanor, and actions demonstrate otherwise. Every Christian should follow God’s Word and live righteously, as this text suggests:
“… What good is it for a person to claim he has faith if he has no works? Can he be saved by faith? What good is it if a brother or sister is naked and lacking in daily sustenance, and you do not provide them with what their bodies require? “It is the same with faith: if it does not have acts, it is dead.” (James 2:14)
A faith that is not frightened by the supernatural
The supernatural is one of the most in-demand aspects of faith. The supernatural is a law that conflicts with natural law. A miracle may be defined as an entry of the supernatural realm into the material world. However, there must be some point of touch for this meeting to take place, no matter how little. This is the stage at which we refer to faith.
“Truly I say to you, if you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mountain, Transport yourself from here to there, and it would move; nothing would be difficult for you,” Jesus told his followers (Matthew 17:20). Jesus tells us that a miracle can only occur when we engage its primary trigger: faith.
A strong faith that is honest and free of frivolity
It is not often the simple act of believing that sets off our miracle, but rather the distressing cry that goes along with it. This is what happened to the lady who had a blood issue (Mark 5:25). She had already submitted all to God when she touched the hem of the Lord’s garment; she had nothing more to lose. Her desperate desire for healing was caused enough for Jesus to come to a halt on his way. She made the favorable decision to take just what she required. This frail and weak lady did not believe she was worthy to stand in front of the Master, yet her touch physically tore vital energy from Christ, and her recovery was instant.
We should not hesitate for a second to question if we are still in the true faith and whether we have not lost a bit along the road. “I fought the good battle, I completed the course, and I maintained the faith,” Paul will declare. “
From now on, the crown of justice is reserved for me; the Lord, the just judge, will award it to me on that Day, and not just to me, but to all who have admired its appearance.” 2 Timothy 4: 7 Let us, like this apostle, ensure that we demonstrate steadfast faith to receive the crown of life, which is prepared for those who have held out to the end!