What message did ancient Egyptian priests leave to humanity? The Dendera Zodiac

One of the oldest astronomical messages left to humanity by the ancient Egyptian priests is the Dendera Zodiac or Osiris Zodiac, which was established on the ceiling of one of the chapels on the roof of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera.

In the Zodiac coded knowledge, understandable only to “initiated”: about the Universe, the cyclic processes of the planet Earth, the periodicity of repetition of global catastrophes.

The Dendera Zodiac is an ancient astronomical map, which contains all the information necessary to calculate the “travel” of the Earth from one sign of the Zodiac to the next during 25920 years of the precessional cycle.

In addition to the constellations and precession cycle on the Zodiac, you can see our solar system, together with the Sun, Earth, and Moon. The Earth moves around the Sun on its orbit, the plane of which in its intersection with the celestial sphere forms a circle called the ecliptic.

Turning around its axis counterclockwise (diurnal cycle), the Earth simultaneously orbits the Sun (also counterclockwise). It sequentially passes the 12 zones of the Zodiac (annual cycle) – 12 constellations: Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, located along the ecliptic.

Egyptian Priests-astronomers knew well secrets of precession, in a basis of their calculations was the Great Year – 25920 years. One astrological era is equal to 1/12 period of precession of the Earth’s axis and makes 2160 years. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Dendera Zodiac
Dendera Zodiac

An astrological era is when the point of the vernal equinox is in the same zodiacal constellation. Astronomers, astrologers, astrophysicists, esotericists point to a number of dates according to which the Aquarius Astrological Era should begin. One of the variations of the calculations:

  • Pisces 2160 – 0 BC.
  • Aries 0 – 2160 BC.
  • Taurus 2160 – 4320 BC.
  • Gemini 4320 – 6480 BC.
  • Cancer 6480 – 8640 BC.
  • Leo 8640 – 10800 BC.
  • Virgo 10800 – 12960 BC.
  • Libra 12960 – 15120 BC.
  • Scorpio 15120 – 17280 BC
  • Sagittarius 17280 – 19440 BC
  • Capricorn 19440 – 21600 BC
  • Aquarius 21600 – 23760 BC.

The International Astronomical Union marked the date of transition to the Age of Aquarius – 2614.

According to some researchers, on the Dendera zodiac, the constellation Cancer is located above all others, indicating a possible time of its creation, when the summer solstice point was in Cancer.

The Egyptian priests associated Dendera with a very distant past. One of the inscriptions on the temple states that the original construction plans are a legacy from “the early primitive era” and were discovered as “ancient drawings made on the skin of animals in the time of the followers of Horus.”

According to the Manephon list, the period of Horus’s followers falls within the Era of Cancer: 6480 – 8640 BC.

The time of construction of the Dendera Zodiac may be reflected in the position of the hieroglyphs “East” and “West”, which these countries of the world occupied on the border of the Gemini and Taurus eras, roughly 4320 BC.

The esoteric scientist Drunvalo in his book “The Ancient Mystery of the Flower of Life” writes that “in the times when Atlantis existed, the Earth rotated in the opposite direction. The present-day north was to the south, and vice versa. After the sinking of Atlantis, not only did the poles shift, but the Earth began to rotate in the opposite direction. God Thoth went through five-pole shifts: he saw the Sun rise from the east and saw it rise from the west, then from the east and again from the west – five times. The Dendera Zodiac demonstrates this opposite polarity”.

What message did ancient Egyptian priests leave to humanity? The Dendera Zodiac

The International center of ufological research believes that the images on the Dendera Zodiac indicate a planetary catastrophe that occurred 13659 years ago – an asteroid impact and a change in the angle of inclination of the Earth’s axis. As a result of the catastrophe, the point of subsequent sunrises began to shift along the line of the ecliptic in the opposite direction, entering the “heart of Leo”. On the Dendera Zodiac, Cancer has changed its location on the line of the ecliptic, shifting back to Leo.

The scale of the outer circle of the Dendera Zodiac is made up of figures – Decans (10-degree segments of the arc of an astrological circle), which symbolize the passage of time. Decans go in a counterclockwise direction. Moving the constellations along the ecliptic line counterclockwise, the Sun rises on the day of the vernal equinox in the year of the catastrophe that occurred in the first minute of the first degree of the head of Cancer.

As a result of the catastrophe, Cancer makes an unnatural move backward and upwards, taking a place over the head of Leo. The impact of the asteroid, which broke the precession mechanism, caused the zodiacal time to “turn backward”. As a result, the hand of the zodiacal clock moved back two Decans.

According to the research center, the entire zodiacal sequence of events was as follows: Earth passed through the Age of Leo, entered the Age of Cancer, a planetary catastrophe occurred, Earth made a “leap in time,” rolling backward into the Age of Leo, then, having passed the same zone “through the Age of Leo” from its heart to Cancer twice, Earth returns to the place where it was at the time of the catastrophe.

Scientist, esotericist Svetlana in her book “Message from the Past” conducts a study of the Dendera Zodiac and the events to which it points. The Dender Zodiac depicts the Sun, Earth, and planets, which are never marked on celestial charts.

What message did ancient Egyptian priests leave to humanity? The Dendera Zodiac

The circle of the Zodiac depicts the right eye, this eye is the Solar Eye of Ouajet, the Eye of God Ra. Therefore, the symbol – the circle with the Eye of Ra above the northern Pisces is the Sun.

All symbols of planets, representing anthropomorphic figures with the heads of a man, a falcon, a bull, intersect with the axes exactly on the heads of figures, that allowed Pavlova to assume that the center of each figure’s head is the coordinate of a planet at some fixed moment.

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The author hypothesized the existence in the distant past between Mars and Jupiter of a planet – Phaethon, in place of which there is now an asteroid ring, and the Dendera Zodiac – the world’s only documented confirmation of the existence of Phaethon.

In her book “The Secret Doctrine” Theosophist and writer Helena wrote: “The sea once covered the whole area now occupied by Egypt and the deserts. This became known thanks to Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny. When was it? History does not answer this question. Fortunately, we have the Dendera Zodiac, a planisphere on the ceiling of one of the oldest Egyptian temples. This Zodiac, with its mysterious three Virgos between the constellations Leo and Libra, found its Oedipus to unravel its signs and justify the truthfulness of the priests who conveyed to Herodotus that the Earth and Ecliptic poles had previously coincided and that the poles were already three times in the ecliptic plane.”

Dendera Zodiac was created with perfect astronomical precision, so the sequence of the zodiacal constellations of Leo and Cancer could not be broken. Perhaps the Dendera Zodiac recorded the starry sky before the planetary catastrophe that occurred more than 11 thousand years ago? To get the latest stories, install our app here

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