What strange occurrences on Lake Baikal frighten visitors?

Lake Baikal is known for being the world’s deepest and largest lake. Its size is larger than Belgium! But it’s not simply because of its massive size that it’s so well-known. The unexplained ghosts that materialize from time to time across the surface of this wonderful body of water have piqued the imagination of many more people.
Read the article to find out why Baikal fascinates visitors and residents alike, as well as what it may really be.
A train floating above the lake
Inhabitants of the settlement of Bol’shoe Goloustnoe often see a railway ghost floating above Lake Baikal’s surface. This is not a fairy tale, as the works of researcher Lomakin provide proof.

The prominent geologist writes about the ghost he saw in his books. He was once cruising across Lake Baikal on a boat when he walked out on deck to see an unbelievable sight: a fast train hurtling over the lake in complete darkness.
Lomakin claims to have seen the train’s windows, which were brilliantly lighted and had individuals standing behind them. The trouble is, the train was really moving at the time, nearly 50 kilometers away from the ship, on the other side of the massive Baikal. However, it wasn’t soaring through the air; instead, it was gliding down the rails. It was difficult to comprehend how its picture looked so distantly and clearly. Many individuals, however, have seen a rapid train speeding off in the distance across the serene Baikal.
Mirages often arise during the day, when the weather is calm, and there are no waves. Residents also report bizarre capes floating in the air. The meteorological station employees on Bolshoi Ushkany island, for example, observed the northern corner of Olkhon, together with the Khoboy cliff, lift-off and began to glide smoothly towards the mainland.
In the Lake Water, there is an Orange Village
Locals allege that a ghost hamlet may sometimes be seen floating over Lake Baikal. It has an orange glow to it and often appears in three locations at once. People have said that the ghost is so genuine that they have tried counting the number of residences and peering through their windows. The town may be found near Cape Sunny, which is located in the northwestern part of Olkhon Island, as well as close to Bolshoi Ushkanyi Island. People are usually taken aback when they see three or even five mirages at once.
However, there are days when Lake Baikal seems to be surrounded by twenty settlements. This is a very spectacular show that should not be missed.
Local media publish accounts of weird mirage ghosts with remarkable frequency. The Irkutsk press reported on the orange village: “The mirage occurred in Bolshiye Koty and resembled the well-known incidents in England and Greenland, where gorgeous temples and castles lingered in the sky for a long time, without vanishing.”
UFOs or Flying Islands

Those interested in ufology and who desire to observe an unidentified flying object at least once in their lives go to the magnificent Lake Baikal. Above Baikal, unexplained spheres, disks, and plasmoids arise on a regular basis. Travelers often report seeing a strange picture of a very enormous object flying in the air over the sea throughout the summer. It doesn’t look like anything you’d see along Lake Baikal’s coast. The unintelligible object, which is black or white in hue, resembles a massive flying triangle.
People often encounter ghosts in the shape of towering islands floating above the waters of the world’s biggest lake. They are claimed to be so genuine and seem so large that sailors are terrified and strive to avoid them. After all, no island had ever been seen in this location before; where did it appear now? It is imperative that the course be changed right now.

You may cruise right to the island if you are certain it is an illusion. Nothing bad would happen; the ship would just sail through the item as if it were a cloud. However, no sailors have ventured to attempt this feat so far. Who knows, maybe it won’t be a ghost this time, but an actual island. Shipwrecks are hazardous to anyone’s health.
What explanations do scientists give?
What do scientists say about mirages appearing over Baikal? Unfortunately, we should disappoint those who want to believe in the supernatural. Beautiful and incomprehensible flying objects are mirages, so-called far-viewing illusions: not a village able to fly, not an express train without rails, not an island floating above Baikal, or even an unidentified flying object.

Objects appear in the atmosphere, but it is not the same as in the hot desert, where bright sunlight is refracted in the heated air. Above Baikal, another variant is the redistribution of cool and warm air, which leads to the appearance of stunning mirages. And the real objects are very far from the lake. The distance can be up to a thousand kilometers! Yes, scientists have explained the appearance of Baikal ghosts. But a part of doubts remains because some phenomena can’t be explained even from a scientific point of view.
But one thing is clear – Lake Baikal has just perfect conditions for mirages to appear: hot air and cool water on summer days, severe frosts, and still air in cold weather. In the air currents, which differ in density, the rays of light are distorted and get an amazing embodiment. A small duck can appear like a huge ship, and a man on a bicycle will look like an airplane coming in for a landing.
No less beautiful is such a rare atmospheric phenomenon over Baikal as the northern lights. Bright bursts of cold glow can be seen only at the Northern Baikal. Sometimes before sunset, vertical columns of color appear over the water, and at dark night – rainbows and lightning.