What we know about Fiona Viotti and Sex scandal at school in South Africa

In South Africa, a boarding school teacher has became discredited because she had a sexual relationship with at least five students over six years. The 30-year-old Fiona Viotti, a history and water polo teacher, resigned one day before the sex scandal became known. A punishment may be still hanging over her head. In the meantime, her husband has applied for a divorce.

The practices at Bishops Diocesan College in Cape Town came to light after an 18-year-old student confessed everything to his parents. They contacted a lawyer and the principal of the school. “In the beginning, our son volunteered to participate,” the parents testify anonymously to local media. “But in the end, he became a victim. When he wanted to end the relationship, she became very grumpy and intimidating. She wouldn’t let him go.”

What we know about Fiona Viotti and Sex scandal at school in South Africa
©Bishops Yearbook – Fiona Viotti

The school board took the allegations seriously and started an investigation. It appeared that the teacher had shared the bed with at least four other students over six years. Fiona Viotti also sent the students spicy videos and photos of themselves, which were distributed on social media and even found their way to the xXx website PornHub. Her last relationship with a student dates from the beginning of this year, about twelve months after she married her husband. He wants nothing more to do with her after the revelations and has filed for divorce.

Deeply sad

Viotti, a former top model for the American sports magazine, does not have to count on a sanction for the time being because she resigned on her initiative. “When the teacher resigned with immediate effect, the school could no longer take disciplinary action against her,” director Guy Pearson said in a statement. “As a school, we are saddened by these events, and we continue to work for the mental health and well-being of those affected.”

As yet, no charges have been filed against Fiona Viotti. The parents are still considering what to do next. The school, together with a lawyer, looks at whether further measures are needed.

What we know about Fiona Viotti and Sex scandal at school in South Africa
©Facebook – Fiona Viotti, a history and water polo teacher

Viotti herself, a niece of a famous South African rugby coach, keeps her lips tight. Her lawyer William Booth states that his client was placed under “medical care” after the news became known. In a letter to the parents, the father of Viotti said that he was grateful for the “messages of support we received following the devastating events my daughter was involved in”. “Of course, Fiona’s health and safety is our priority right now, and we will do everything to help her.”

Boarding school

The Bishops Diocesan College in Cape Town is a boarding school for boys in South Africa. One hundred and ten teachers teach more than 1,300 students. The school was founded in 1849 by Robert Gray, then bishop of Cape Town.

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