The white German that done everything to become black(video)

Huge boobs to the “Miss Lolo”, multiple injections of melanin and many surgeries, costing several tens of thousands of euros, it is at this price that Martina Big, the white German has become an “exotic Barbie” Black as she wanted. A gradual transformation that began in 2012 which she is delighted.
While black women seek by all means to become white, this German white Caucasian pure juice (thirty), did exactly the opposite.
Indeed, Martina Big has tried everything to become black: surgery, injection of chemicals… and it seems to have succeeded. But in truth what the young lady was looking for was not only darkness, but it was Africa as such that interested her.
The evidence in this video, she went to Kenya to interact with the Maasai people in their traditions and their intimacy. She looks happy to have achieved her goal. Since we told her that “you would never be Black”.
Look what it looks like in the video above.