Why you don’t go to bed, even if you feel tired and sleepy

You may not always feel like going to bed, even if your eyes are closing by themselves. Instead, you try to do some chores, watch a TV series, or chat online despite being tired and sleepy. This habit is called revenge procrastination, and it is standard. Many people save on sleep to get at least an hour of personal freedom and time spent on themselves and getting rid of stress. But what drives this habit?
Why does revenge Procrastination occur

Most people’s schedules involve a busy working day, household chores, and solving pressing problems. But humans crave personal time, which is often lacking. This creates a feeling of stress that seems to haunt us at every turn. In our constant search for individual freedom, we sacrifice sleep, even if we know that it harms our health and productivity.
Stress, anxiety, and the desire to escape from pressing problems all lead to revenge procrastination. Notably, the more stress we experience, the more often we resort to it. Revenge procrastination can also be a consequence of poor self-control. She will be your faithful companion if you don’t know how to make a proper daily routine and stick to it, even if you have to force yourself to do certain things, including bed.
What does revenge procrastination look like?
We are all hooked on smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions, video game consoles and other gadgets. They help us get information, but simultaneously, they are accomplices of an unhealthy lifestyle. Surely, you have at least once in your life thoughtlessly flipped through the news feed on a social network until late, even though you understood that in the morning, you would feel sluggish and tired. This is how revenge procrastination manifests itself.
How is it harmful?

Revenge procrastination can lead to a lack of sleep. Without enough sleep, the mind and body cannot rest properly, which can have widespread adverse health effects. Lack of sleep impairs thinking, memory, and decision-making. Visit. A F R I N I K. C O M .For the full article. It increases the risk of daytime sleepiness, which negatively affects productivity and academic performance.
It can also make you irritable and have poor control over your emotions. This brings discomfort to you and those who communicate and work with you. The most annoying thing is that the effects of sleep loss can occur quickly and accumulate over time, contributing to significant long-term health problems.
How to prevent and combat online Procrastination
The best remedy for revenge procrastination is a strict schedule and the creation of healthy sleep habits. It is essential to bring them to automatism by making deliberate efforts.
Create a sleep schedule

The first thing to do is set a bedtime and wake-up time. Adhering to this schedule on weekdays, weekends, holidays, and vacations is essential. It can be a real challenge, but improving sleep quality and well-being is worth it.
Take your gadgets out of the bedroom
We need to make the bedroom a gadget-free room. This will help to cope with the impulsive desire to “scroll through the tape a little more before going to bed.” Use electronic devices in another room, put them aside, and go to bed. You should finish using them an hour or two before bedtime.
Create evening habits

Developing evening habits is necessary to help you tune in to sleep. For example, read for thirty minutes, prepare clothes for the next day at work, write a to-do list, and dream a little in silence. This helps to reduce stress, which often causes revenge procrastination.
Review your daily routine

It’s often our fault that we create the perfect environment for revenge procrastination. This happens when our daily schedule is packed to capacity, and there is no place for recreation and hobbies. Plan not only work but also breaks. Set aside time to do what you like, not to the detriment of sleep. Work on distributing your daily workload more evenly to minimize stress and keep up with everything.
Create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom
If the bedroom is where you want to come to relax, it will be much easier to get rid of revenge procrastination. Make sure it has curtains that provide darkness at night, especially if your windows overlook brightly lit streets or outdoor advertising. This will help ensure the proper production of melatonin, a hormone essential for quality sleep. Also, consider how comfortable your mattress is, and the bed linen is lovely. A cozy place to sleep that you enjoy can counteract the urge to stay up late and sacrifice rest.
Limit alcohol and coffee consumption

Coffee has an invigorating effect, and alcohol, although it promotes drowsiness, disrupts sleep. These two drinks can affect how often you feel the need for revenge procrastination. Limit their use in the evening or give them up to improve your well-being and health.