“Women make unnecessary noise during labor” – Man says

A Nigerian man, identified as Cyprian has compared giving birth by women with laying an egg by fowls. The duo advises the women to stop making “unnecessary noise for labor room”.

Adding that if fowls could lay eggs without the assistant of nurse while would human being “make unnecessary noise.”

Cyprian Akabudike, a Facebook user, is currently on social networks after verbal “attack” on women for making sound during childbirth.

According to Akabudike, the “noise” is useless when compared to other animals that seek no assistance during reproduction.

The man noticed that because of the snake, the goat, and other animals could give birth at free-will.

“Even these animals could lay eggs without the assistance of a nurse or anyone. But women go dey make unnecessary noise for labour room like say na by false to born pikin. If you never strong , shift joor.”

"Women make unnecessary noise during labor" - Man says

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