You’re not drinking right: Hydration mistakes that are harmful to health

Maintaining the body’s water balance is essential to eating and sleeping regularly. Even small changes in fluid intake can significantly impact how much energy you have, how you concentrate, and how you feel in general. And it’s not just about drinking more water; you must get hydration right to meet all your body’s needs. Here are some mistakes that should be avoided for your health.
10 Hydration mistakes that are harmful to health
1. Rely only on thirst to replenish your water supply

It’s not just thirst that can indicate that the body is dehydrated. It is essential to listen to other symptoms that indicate this, such as dry mouth, decreased salivation, drowsiness and fatigue, sudden loss of concentration, and headache. To avoid dehydration, try to drink more fluids throughout the day and also make sure to do it regularly. If you forget about maintaining hydration, set reminders on your phone and don’t miss the notifications.
2. Get carried away with caffeinated drinks
No one says that you should deny yourself the pleasure of drinking a cup of coffee or tea. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with caffeinated drinks: They have a diuretic effect, leading to or worsening dehydration. To avoid trouble, drink a glass of water after you’ve indulged in caffeinated beverages. Limiting yourself to one or two cups of such drinks daily is also better.
3. Do not adjust your drinking regime depending on your activity

The body consumes moisture in different ways: at rest, it loses it gradually, and during physical activity, it loses it much faster. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article. This process can also be accelerated if you are in a hot environment. It is essential to adjust your drinking regime depending on your activity. If you have to go to a workout or do something physically demanding, have more water on hand than when sitting at the computer or in front of the TV.
4. Do not drink during the flight
Long flights can lead to dehydration, as the aircraft has very low humidity. Add to this jet lag and travel fatigue — unfortunately, you will not be able to feel good. To keep hydrated and feel better, bring a reusable water bottle on board and drink regularly, even if you don’t feel too thirsty.
5. To give up salt for the sake of preserving moisture

Yes, salty snacks can contribute to moisture loss and thirst. But you should not wholly abandon sodium in the diet—this trace element is necessary to normalize neuromuscular activity and kidney function. Be sure to add salt to the dishes for benefits and taste. To avoid dehydration, wash them with enough water and follow the correct drinking regime.
6. Forget about fruits and vegetables

Drinks, fruits, and moisture-rich vegetables help maintain the body’s water balance. Adjust your diet if you find it challenging to drink more water daily. Eat dishes that contain lettuce leaves, Peking cabbage, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Choose watermelon, strawberries, melon, oranges, apples, or grapes as a snack. Another advantage of vegetables and fruits is that they contain water and electrolytes necessary to maintain and regulate the water balance.
7. Confusing thirst with hunger

Two common but often overlooked symptoms of dehydration are hunger and sugar cravings. The body gets energy from glucose, a sugar stored in the liver. When the water balance is disrupted, the liver cannot release glucose, so the brain tries to fix it by making you reach for another snack. Drink a glass of water to check if you are hungry or dehydrated. If the symptoms went away, it was a matter of violating the water balance. But if you still want to eat, do not deny yourself the pleasure and have a snack.
8. Forgetting to replenish water after drinking alcohol

Don’t make this mistake if you don’t want to suffer from hangovers and dehydration. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, so if you go out in the evening and plan to drink, be sure to wash down alcoholic beverages with clean water. By the way, this is one of the ways not to get drunk too quickly.