12 funny and awkward things pregnant women struggle with

While the knowledge that you are pregnant is one of the most beautiful, pregnancy also comes with significant changes. In addition to the fact that your body is continually changing, you will have to use the bathroom every five minutes.

The smell of fried food will make you nauseous or will wake you up with a cramp in the middle of the night. No matter how ready you think you are, pregnancy will lead you to some hilarious and unexpected situations.

You will become very emotional, and you will be able to cry for absolutely every little thing. In addition, moods of happiness and sadness will change. Don’t worry, it’s all normal.
1) You will become very emotional, and you will be able to cry for absolutely every little thing. In addition, moods of happiness and sadness will change. Don’t worry, it’s all normal.
You will use the bathroom more than ever, most often either when you are not near the bathroom or when you are incredibly tired. Not to mention awkward situations when you laugh or cough.
2) You will use the bathroom more than ever, most often either when you are not near the bathroom or when you are incredibly tired. Not to mention awkward situations when you laugh or cough.
When you get pregnant, you can’t wait for your belly to start growing, and when you get into a high pregnancy, you will want it to be smaller and stop growing.
3) When you get pregnant, you can’t wait for your belly to start growing, and when you get into a high pregnancy, you will want it to be smaller and stop growing.
Night meals will become a habit. One of the reasons is the constant feeling of hunger, which increases the needs of the pregnant woman’s body for energy and calories.
4) Night meals will become a habit. One of the reasons is the constant feeling of hunger, which increases the needs of the pregnant woman’s body for energy and calories.
You will notice that during pregnancy, you will get an infinite amount of advice that you have not even asked anyone for.
5) You will notice that during pregnancy, you will get an infinite amount of advice that you have not even asked anyone for.
Besides, you will find it difficult to bend over, it will be incredibly uncomfortable if something very important falls to the floor.
6) ©parenting.firstcry – Besides, you will find it difficult to bend over, it will be incredibly uncomfortable if something very important falls to the floor.
You will notice pregnant women more often.
7) You will notice pregnant women more often.
You won’t be able to sleep in the last few months.
8) You won’t be able to sleep in the last few months.
In pregnancy, the most common craving is for chocolate and salty foods. One explanation for this is that food preferences change during pregnancy and that they condition what a woman will choose to eat.
9) In pregnancy, the most common craving is for chocolate and salty foods. One explanation for this is that food preferences change during pregnancy and that they condition what a woman will choose to eat.
During this period, your hair will become as beautiful and thick.
10) During this period, your hair will become as beautiful and thick.
You will snore like a tractor.
11) You will snore like a tractor.
You will often forget things and be absent. Every woman who was pregnant experienced the appearance of poor memory and loss of things, and scientists say that this is an entirely normal occurrence in the later stages of pregnancy.
12) You will often forget things and be absent. Every woman who was pregnant experienced the appearance of poor memory and loss of things, and scientists say that this is an entirely normal occurrence in the later stages of pregnancy.

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