5 dead in a flare-up of violence in Sudanese capital Khartoum

Five people were killed last night in a flare of violence at the army headquarters in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum. Earlier it became known that a soldier and a civilian were killed in shots and now three demonstrators have also been killed. The military transitional council and medical sources made the announcement.

It has been restless in Sudan for a long time. About a month ago, after months of protest, protesters succeeded in driving dictator Omar al-Bashir out of power. He led the country just under 30 years. The protests against Bashir had begun in mid-December, but after a few weeks, the protest had faded.


At the beginning of April, the demonstration experienced a resurgence, when a sit-in started at the army headquarters in capital Khartoum. That sit-in is still working more than a month later. The protesters now ask that the military council give power to a civilian administration.

Representatives of the popular protest and the Sudanese generals announced yesterday evening that they have reached an agreement on a “sovereign council” that will replace the military council.

5 dead in a flare-up of violence in Sudanese capital Khartoum
©AFP – Protesters hold a sit-in in Khartoum.

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