5 questions that could save your relationship

The ability to conduct a constructive dialogue with your beloved is the key to strong and harmonious relationships. But it is often difficult to understand where to start “talking about the most important thing.” We decided to collect the five most important questions to ask your other half to better your relationship.

Did I do something that upset you?

Are you starting to feel like the tension between you and your partner builds up every day? Then it would help if you did not wait until dissatisfaction with each other develops into a conflict. When your loved one is relaxed and calm after dinner, try to ask him a question about what is upsetting him in your relationship.

At the same time, try to refrain from swearing and insults, even if you receive unpleasant comments at your address. Constructive dialogue and the desire to find a compromise in the current situation is the right way to harmony.

Are you satisfied with our s*x life?

Of course, at the very beginning, when serious passions are boiling between you, you are unlikely to feel the need to ask this question. But over time, for most couples, the intimate side of life fades into the background.

To avoid this situation, as soon as you feel some cooling in your relationship with your loved one, ask how satisfied he is with your se*x life. Thus, in the future, you can avoid conflicts on this basis.

How to make our life even more comfortable?

Do you consider yourself an angel in the flesh and do not understand why he is annoyed by the exponentially growing number of jars on the shelf in the bathroom? Then it would help if you asked him about his ideas about your life together.

After all, it’s not a secret for anyone that seemingly harmless little things can lead to a showdown on a truly universal scale.

Is there anything I can help you with?

There are situations when men also need support. But often do not like to demonstrate this, as they consider it a manifestation of weakness.

Therefore, try to ask your other half as delicately as possible; perhaps right now, he needs to express everything that has accumulated, or, conversely, he dreams that you stay around and do not ask about his problems at work.

Maybe you would like to be alone?

For most men, it is very important to have personal space, especially if he is under stress, cannot cope with the current situation and begins to react aggressively to others.

Therefore, do not hesitate to ask him a question regarding whether he needs your company at the moment or would like to be alone. He will appreciate your act and will protect your relationship even more

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