5 steps to restoring your relationship with God

As Christians, sometimes we go through difficult times when we can’t see the end of the tunnel. By dint of falling into sin, we feel estranged from the face of God and no longer dare to pray or go to church. The enemy pushes us, through negative thoughts, to blame excessively and to flee from the Lord. Yet the Bible declares that where sin abounds, grace abounds (Romans 5:20). Fear, anger, addiction, bad habits and associations, laziness… It’s time to say stop and get back to your old spirituality!
Do violence to yourself
You don’t pray anymore, your Bible is dusty, and you haven’t been to church for months. You let yourself be overcome by doubt and guilt and no longer dare to find yourself face to face with God. Yet deep inside, you feel that the Holy Spirit is not completely extinguished, that your flame for the Lord is still burning, and that God has not finished with you.
It’s time to change things! You must do violence to yourself and put an end to this daily routine. Too long have you shied away from God’s will for your life; too long have you strayed from the right path and forsaken sanctification! God is calling you today to come back to Him. You are the only one who can make this decision. No one will force you to do it, so it’s up to you to say “stop” once and for all!
“Let us seek our ways and search, and let us return to the Lord.”
Lamentations 3: 40-41
Stop feeling guilty
When we are in the grip of sin, there are two types of guilt: the one which encourages us to return to the feet of the Lord and the one which, conversely, makes us believe that God is unable to forgive us so much we have deviated from the right way.
Know that this last guilt does not come from God but the enemy. Its objective is to keep you in a life of sin, far from the Lord, so that you give up finding that holiness that God wants to grant you again. Feeling guilty after having made a mistake is quite normal. But the good guilt is the guilt that leads you on the path of repentance.
Ask for forgiveness
Whatever your sins and however long you have been away from the Lord, know that He can forgive you if you return to Him with a sincere heart. Think about the parable of the Prodigal Son. (Luke 15). In the same way that this father welcomed his son who had, however, just squandered his fortune, God can also welcome you because he is a loving and compassionate Father. Want to go home? He will open the door for you and welcome you with open arms!
You must therefore humble yourself before the Lord and acknowledge your sin. It’s up to you to open your heart, talk to her, tell her what you’re sorry about, and show her that you got the lesson. This is conversion: Which means change.
Pray and fast
Asking God for forgiveness is one thing, but you still have to forgive yourself. Do not stay in the past; remember your faults; stop thinking about those acts that paralyze you and prevent you from moving forward.
Just as you would seek to reestablish dialogue after an argument, you should reestablish times of prayer, praise, and worship. If you are keen to fast, do not hesitate to do so because it is a good way to testify your willingness to start anew with the Lord.
Now you have to prove to God that you have really changed and want to end your past mistakes.
The path will not be easy because sanctification is a daily struggle. You will be brought daily to struggle against the desires of your flesh, evil thoughts, and temptations.
But you must persevere, fight the good fight, and continue to nurture your relationship with God! The more time you spend in his presence, the less attracted you will be to the things of the world.
“Rejoice in hope; Be patient in grief; Persevere in prayer. ”
Romans 12:12
God has a special and special plan for your life, but so does the enemy. The voice he wants you to use will always be easier and more appealing than what God offers to you. Yet it is a trap! You have fallen between its nets in the past; try not to make this mistake again in the future.