5 tips for care and treatment of armpits

The armpits are a part of the body that can often make you feel uncomfortable, either because of the smell or because they have a darker shade, even if you have shaved. But let’s not deny our body, the armpits, and sweat and smell; we can do different things to reduce this.

So they require primary care and treatment so that they are kept in good condition and do not cause you embarrassment. Below we will see 5 helpful care and treatment tips for the armpits!

5 tips for clean armpits that smell nice

Exfoliate the armpits

5 tips for care and treatment for the armpits

The exfoliation is the alpha and omega to avoid the classical picture of dark skin underarms. Exfoliation will remove the dead cells that are responsible for this discolouration. Simple washing with soap is not enough to remove dead cells and bacteria, so regular exfoliation 1-2 times a week is a must in body care!

Avoid products with aluminum!

5 tips for care and treatment for the armpits

Aluminium is the worst ingredient in most deodorants on the market. Aluminium is a toxic substance and essentially clogs your pores. Good deodorants kill the odour-causing bacteria, while poor-quality deodorants clog your pores to prevent sweating.

The next time you buy deodorant, make sure you choose a product that does not contain aluminium and other toxic substances such as parabens, triclosan, and propylene glycol!

Find the ideal hair removal method for you

5 tips for care and treatment for the armpits

You are different from every other person, so you need a particular care routine for your armpits. Find what suits you as a hair removal method with either a razor, wax, or laser hair removal, depending on your needs and daily routine. Of course, permanent solutions are more skin-friendly as you will not need to irritate them with products and other substances!

Try natural ingredients for clean armpits

5 tips for care and treatment for the armpits

Natural remedies for bad breath and discolouration are always the best and can be just as effective. Use natural ingredients such as turmeric, lemon, natural carbon, and honey. Also helpful are chickpea flour, flaxseed, and milk!

Let the skin breathe

5 tips for care and treatment for the armpits

The skin needs to breathe to be healthy, fresh, and radiant. So make sure you permanently remove the deodorant or other products you put in your armpits to give your skin a chance to breathe naturally. It would be good not to wear deodorant 24 hours a day.

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