6 questions to ask yourself at the end of the year

New Year’s Eve is an opportune time to analyze past events and think about what actions and actions in the future can positively affect life. Here are some examples of questions to ask yourself to tune in to a happy and productive year.

What emotional problem have I dealt with?

Mental and physical health is directly related to an emotional state. Often, against the background of prolonged stress, not only emotional burnout occurs, but also depression.

Sooner or later, unprocessed, repressed emotions and feelings will harm your condition. That is why it is important to cope with stressful situations and not suppress emotions: experiences, joyful moments, fear. We have already talked in more detail about living through the accumulated emotions.

If you have faced emotional problems and experienced stress during the year, try to analyze the most striking situations and determine how you dealt with them. At the same time, the main task is to determine how well you cope with current problems and whether you can control the psycho-emotional state. Do not blame yourself for the moments when you did not cope with the situation. The main thing is to figure out and understand what kind of work on the errors is worth doing to avoid such problems.

Did I feel happy?

The idea of happiness can be different for each of us. For some, it is enough to eat their favorite toasts for breakfast; for others, it is important to visit several cities or countries in one season. However, there are times when a person has a rather vague idea of happiness.

Some people are used to living by inertia, day after day plunging into current problems that turn life into sheer misery. However, it is important to understand that life can be changed at any time. To feel happy, it is important to respond to pleasant moments and pay attention to even the smallest successes.

On New Year’s Eve, it is helpful to ask yourself the question of what moments you felt most happy and what external factors contributed to this. Try to remember how you felt when you were happy and what your actions or thoughts led to this. Psychologists advise you to write down the happiest moments of the outgoing year on a piece of paper and periodically return to this list to find inspiration for new exploits and remind yourself of the pleasant moments in life.

What inspired me this year?

Finding sources of inspiration can become quite energy-intensive if you treat it like a task that must be solved. Inspiration is a special state that can lead to emotional uplift, a surge of energy, and a high degree of productivity. Of course, inspiration is necessary for solving creative problems and in the most common and mundane activities.

Try to remember what moments in your life you felt energized and full of ideas. What was the reason for this? What emotional state were you in? These memories will help you understand what external and internal factors influence and inspire you. At the same time, it is not only large-scale events that matter but also the seemingly insignificant successes.

What worries were in vain?

Anxiety is a state of excitement that can unsettle and cause a whole range of unpleasant sensations. A variety of factors can cause anxiety: someone is worried about family problems, someone is experiencing an attack of loneliness, while others are replaying past traumas in their heads over and over again.

To get rid of anxiety, you first need to determine what factors cause it. Analyze the events that made you feel anxious. Remember which of the problems turned out to be serious in reality and unfounded. In dealing with anxiety, it is important to be aware of the problem and make efforts to get rid of it. Once you have decided which aspects of your life you are more worried about than you should, analyze your behavior and figure out how to avoid this situation.

What’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned this year?

Often we do not realize the importance of analyzing our actions or focus only on troubles, plunging into reflection. However, any analysis of their activities brings an element of innovation to life.

To set clear goals and form plans for the next year, analyze what important events have happened in your life, what conclusions you have drawn, and what lessons have been learned from pleasant and difficult situations. This will allow you to adjust your plans and pay more attention to those unresolved issues in the past year.

What advice would I like to give to myself, who has not yet traveled this path?

The ability to treat yourself with kindness and understanding can sometimes be life-changing. You cannot punish yourself for every mistake or misconduct. The best thing to do in a difficult situation is to decide what benefits and lessons you can learn.

That is why, on New Year’s Eve, we recommend considering what qualities, skills, and knowledge would help you cope with the problems of the past year better. And this is not only about career growth, relationships with others, but primarily about relationships with oneself.

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