71 hot dogs in 10 minutes for winner of the World Championship sausage scrap

Californian Joey Chestnut has won the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest for the twelfth time in New York. The food athlete, nicknamed ‘Jaws’, ate 71 hot dogs in ten minutes. That was three sausages less than his record of 74 hot dogs established last year.

The 35-year-old reigning champion hopes to reach the limit of 75 hot dogs one day and, despite his victory, reacted slightly disappointed. “I am a bit disappointed, but I have crushed the competition. The sausages did not sink well today. I need to find a way to eat even faster and sharpen my record,” he said after the event on Coney Island, the Big Apple’s beach site.

71 hot dogs in 10 minutes for winner of the World Championship sausage scrap
©REUTERS – Joey Chestnut with his champion belt

18 men took part in the food competition. Chestnut left the competition far behind. The silver went to Darron Breeden, who stuffed ‘only’ fifty hot dogs.

71 hot dogs in 10 minutes for winner of the World Championship sausage scrap
Miki Sudo, the world’s best sausage eater

Among the women, Miki Sudo won her sixth title. She ate 35 hot dogs. Both winners went home with 10,000 dollars.

71 hot dogs in 10 minutes for winner of the World Championship sausage scrap

Hundreds of spectators attended the world-famous competition, which has been a regular hit on July 4, Independence Day.

71 hot dogs in 10 minutes for winner of the World Championship sausage scrap
71 hot dogs in 10 minutes for winner of the World Championship sausage scrap

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