80-year-old woman has been driving without a license for 60 years

An 80-year-old Groningen lady has been driving without a license for sixty years. Today she finally ran into the lamp.

According to the tweet of the agent, during a check in the town of Beerta in Groningen, the motorist was thrown on the receipt for not wearing her seatbelt.

She could not show a driver’s license. “I have been driving without license for sixty years and have never been checked,” she said the agent. The agent calls his meeting with the joyous madam “special” for the last six decades.

Strict rules

However, there are some strict rules about driving licenses in the Netherlands. For example, the driving licenses are only valid for ten years. After that, drivers fill in a new information form after which they get a new driving license or not. Dutch citizens over the age of 75 are undergoing medical examination before they receive a new driving license. Those who no longer prove competent must hand in their driving license.

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