Russia tests new RoboCop equipment that makes soldiers faster and stronger

In Russia, experiments are being carried out with a new type of armour that can make real RoboCops from ordinary soldiers.

The armour would not only make soldiers faster and stronger, but also targeted accurate. It would, among other things, allow a machine gun to be fired with one hand.

The new exoskeleton powered by an electric motor was presented at an international military-technical forum in Moscow.

It is an impressive new version of the equipment that the Russian army has been using for two years and which consists of a mechanical exoskeleton without electric motor.

The latter does not increase the physical capacity of the wearer, but does help him, for example, to carry heavy luggage by spreading the weight over the entire exoskeleton.

The new version is a lot more impressive, as it turns out. “We have already done tests with the prototype and it significantly improves the physical capabilities of the wearer,” says Oleg Faustov of TsNiiTochMash, one of the leading companies that design and produce weapons for the Russian army according to the TASS news agency.

“For example, the test person could fire a machine gun with one hand and hit the target accurately.”

According to Faustov, the new exoskeleton in titanium should allow more weapons and equipment to be carried, to move faster and to achieve more effective goals.

Among others with a high-tech target tracker on the helmet. It also includes components such as a watch that can withstand an electromagnetic shockwave and even a nuclear explosion, a heating element, a water filter, a gas mask and a medical kit.

It also monitors the vital functions of the wearer. At the same time, a soldier with the most advanced communication technology can continuously receive updates on the situation on the battlefield.

There is still work to be done on one major defect of the equipment: there is no battery to store energy. But that is working hard, that’s how it sounds. According to Alexander Romanyuta, the chairman of the Military and Scientific Committee of the Russian Army, the equipment for ‘the soldier of the future’ should be operational by 2025.

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