Former President George HW Bush (94) died

George Herbert Walker Bush, president of the United States in the period 1989-1993, passed away on Friday at the age of 94. That has been announced by a spokesman for the family. Bush Senior is the father of George Walker Bush, the predecessor of Barack Obama.

The elderly Republican had been struggling with health problems for some time. In the spring he was still in the hospital with a blood infection. That happened one day after the funeral of his wife Barbara. She passed away at the age of 92. “Our dear father has passed away”, it sounds in the statement of the family. “He was a man of the greatest character and the best father could wish a son or daughter.” Except for George, the couple had four other children. The 41st president of the US was the vice president of Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) for eight years.

©-REUTERS George Herbert Walker Bush visited US forces in Saudi Arabia in November 1990, a few months before Operation Desert Storm, the Gulf War of early 1991 where Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi forces were expelled from Kuwait. The Iraqi capital Baghdad and other Iraqi cities became the target of American aerial bombardments.
© REUTERS Before he took office, George Herbert Walker Bush, here with his wife Barbara Bush, was the Vice President of Ronald Reagan for eight years.
©REUTERS The Democrat Bill Clinton defeated surprisingly incumbent President George Herbert Walker Bush in November 1992. So it stayed with a term of office. Bush Senior watches his successor take the oath on January 20, 1993.

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