Kenyan woman sells cheating husband to buy clothes for children

Edna Mukwana thought that the best way to ride off alcoholic and infidelity husband is to trade him to another woman – who is her husband’s love-bird. The Kenyan woman sold him for 1700Ksh (about $16)

Edna shocked many people in Kenya after “selling” her husband for 1,700 Ksh to buy clothes for her children. The woman alleged that her husband is a drunkard and always cheats on her. She used the money to buy her children’s clothes for the New Year celebration.

According to Mukwana, she decided after she caught her husband with another woman on their marriage bed. And he has not returned home for more than seven days after the incident.

She explained: ‘My husband is married to alcohol and prostitution. I told the woman who embezzled him to send me 2000 Ksh in exchange at least, but she sent me 1700 Ksh. So I used all the money to buy New Year’s clothes for my children.’

When asked if she would change her mind and agree to her husband’s return to the matrimonial home, Edna replied, “I can’t. I don’t want to go into the new year with the nuisance of 2019”.

Kenyan woman sells cheating husband to buy clothes for children
Edna and her children

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