Student of ABU Zaria built a solar-powered kiosk

A Level 200 engineering student at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Usman Dalhatu, has built a custom-made solar-powered kiosk for local vendors, popularly known as Mai Shaya, and Indomie sellers, to help them operate without the need for generators.

The young Nigerian entrepreneur manufactured a portable automatic E-vent ventilator and an industrial vacuum cleaner. His creativity led him to be received by the Minister of State for Science and Technology Mohammed Abdullahi to showcase his inventions.

Usman with the Minister of State for Science and Technology Mohammed Abdullahi
Usman with the Minister of State for Science and Technology Mohammed Abdullahi

The minister then said he had instructed the relevant department to work with Usman Dalhatu to improve the invention to make it globally competitive for export and protect his intellectual property.

Industrial vacuum cleaner
Industrial vacuum cleaner

At just 200 level at the university, Usman, who has his own company, Dalsman Tech Nigeria, is already introducing his knowledge and innovative solutions to society.

Solar-powered kiosk

Solar-powered kiosk
Solar-powered kiosk

The Solar-powered kiosk consists of an inverter battery, cooking stove, portable desk, and television for those waiting for the food. The TV and the cooking stove are making use of an inverter battery, which is chargeable by a solar panel at the side of the mini kiosk.

This mini kiosk is another relief and breathes for the indigenous Mai Shayi and Indomie vendors, who probably depend on the generator as an alternative source of power supply for their business. Also, it is renewable energy and eco-friendly.


After months of industrial action, we hope that the government and university management can find a way to safely keep the academic calendar running regularly without going on strike so that people like Usman can get all the knowledge they need to reach their full potential.

We look forward to seeing the many great things Usman and other young Nigerians and Africans like him will create.

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