Behaviours in a relationship that will lead to separation

They get angry, devastate, hurt, frustrate, alienate. Some words, actions, and behaviours cause all these in the relationship and open, sometimes abruptly and with force and sometimes with slow and torturous creating the window for the exit.

To build strong bonds between the couple and maintain them to live together harmoniously, a good bed is not enough; love is not enough. Healthy relationships require daily effort, honesty, communication, patience and mutual compromises, among many others. So obviously, there is no room for what we record below.

  • You fight for details, objectively meaningless.
  • Jealousy consumes you without any real reason. Commonly, you are jealous to be jealous.
  • Resolve your differences and problems (almost) always with voices, derogatory, ironic and offensive comments.
  • You become aggressive for no reason.
  • You do not communicate what bothers and concerns you.
  • You do not accept your differences.
  • You miss kisses and hugs.
  • Lovemaking has become an unknown word.
  • You have forgotten the importance of the small, everyday surprises you once made that took you out of your routine.
  • You are not laughing anymore.
  • You do not let the past live in the past, constantly stirring up situations.
  • You dislike each other’s family, and that comes out.
  • You are isolated from your friends.
  • You neglect yourself, indifferent to your appearance.
  • You take each other for granted.
  • One of you only gives, and the other only takes, when relationships, whether romantic or friendly, are always give and take. Never one-sided.

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