10 causes of mood swings

People with mood swings can be called capricious and wayward. But sometimes, a sharp change in emotions is entirely unrelated to personality and character traits. We’ve rounded up 10 causes of mood swings you should know about.
1. Allergy

If you have seasonal allergies, you may notice that mood swings appear at certain times of the year. And no wonder – symptoms such as tearing, rhinitis, rashes and itching can upset anyone. It also interferes with sleep, which leads to chronic fatigue, in which mood swings are also not uncommon.
2. Depression and cyclothymia
Mood changes are characteristic of a disease such as depression. Especially if it has not been diagnosed for a long time, emotions can range from deep sadness to outbursts of anger and irritability.
Mood swings also occur with cyclothymia. It consists of the alternation of two states. High spirits characterize the first, and the second is depressed and depressive. Periods of stable mood in cyclothymia usually last no more than eight weeks.
3. Hormonal disbalance
When the level of hormones in the body changes, mood can also change. Most often, this happens when estrogen fluctuates. Because of changes in hormone levels, mood swings accompany pregnancy, menopause, and premenstrual syndrome.
By the way, men can also experience mood swings due to hormones – this happens with a decrease in testosterone at an older age.
4. Substance abuse

People who use alcohol or drugs are more likely to have mood swings. The fact is that these substances affect the nervous system and can influence human emotions.
People who struggle with addiction experience many unpleasant emotions and withdrawal symptoms. This often causes mood swings: from aggression to depression and even suicidal thoughts.
5. Stressful life changes
The end of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, and being fired from a job you love—any stressful change can lead to mood swings. Or to make such episodes more frequent in people struggling with mental disorders.
Mood swings can be a consequence of bullying and abuse or childhood trauma. When faced with triggers reminiscent of these events, a person is subject to a change in emotions and experiencing various feelings.
6. Taking certain medications

Some medications can cause or worsen mood swings. These include corticosteroids, which treat arthritis, lupus, asthma, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions.
Anabolic drugs are taken to improve performance and lead to a mood change. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors used in treating depression and other mental disorders may have the same effect.
7. Wrong diet
A person who adheres to the wrong diet may have mood swings. Most often, this is due to a lack of nutrients in the diet or too small portions.
Digestive disorders that make it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients can make your mood float. These include celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
But the rejection of some “wrong” products can accompany mood swings. For example, by eliminating sugar from your diet, you stop getting a simple carbohydrate that allows you to recharge your batteries quickly. And even if there are enough complex carbohydrates in the diet to replenish it, mood can deteriorate significantly over a longer period.
8. Chronic diseases and injuries

Although most people associate mood swings with emotional characteristics, they can be caused by chronic diseases. Often they are observed in diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and sleep disorders. They are also common in violation of the thyroid gland.
Mood changes can also be associated with brain damage, such as a stroke or concussion.
9. Bipolar disorder
Mood swings are a hallmark symptom of this condition. It is of two types. Both are characterized by periods of mania when the person feels emotionally uplifted and hypomania, in which he feels depressed and down. There are also mixed episodes – when both “sets” of feelings are experienced simultaneously.
The time it takes for mood swings to occur is different for each person with bipolar disorder. For some, this happens daily or weekly, while for others, the mood lasts for months and years.
10. Sleep disorders

Insomnia, chronic sleep deprivation, and getting up at night can cause mood swings. Like other sleep disorders: apnea, bruxism, parasomnia. The worse the quality and quantity of sleep, the more a person is subject to mood changes.