How to stop feeling so tired on Mondays

You may have noticed that your energy goes down on Mondays. Instead of feeling refreshed after the weekend, you rub your eyes, dream of a third cup of coffee, and wonder why your “internal battery” runs out so quickly. But still, do not despair; accept that Monday is a hard day. There are several ways to stop feeling tired and make your life more enjoyable.
10 ways to stop feeling tired on Mondays
1 .Spend the weekend actively

Spending all weekend in bed watching a TV series can make it challenging to tune into a productive work week. Your body quickly gets used to relaxation and laziness, so you feel tired when you pull yourself together and start acting. To stop being sluggish on Mondays, try to spend weekends actively. Even an ordinary walk in the fresh air or bowling with friends can make you feel more rested and quickly recover when you need to return to work and do things.
2. Disconnect from the network
Scrolling through the news feed or watching videos can be called a “false vacation.” Yes, they help distract from everyday worries, but at the same time, they are a mental burden you can get tired of. To avoid suffering on Monday, put your gadgets away and try to focus on the present moment. By the way, this habit is useful all days of the week, and disconnecting from social networks has a lot of advantages.
3. Communicate consciously
Although you must see all your friends on the weekend, say yes to every meeting, and complete a dozen or two tasks, think about finding the best balance. Do not force yourself to get involved in social plans if you feel tired and need a rest. Try to meet with a friend or stay at home to spend time alone with yourself. It’s essential to ensure that weekend socializing will be smooth enough that it ruins your Monday.
4. Stick to the sleep schedule

Many people try to get enough sleep on weekends. Their morning starts at lunch, and they also are okay with napping in the daytime. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article .And this is a big mistake, depriving you of cheerfulness on Mondays. Even a slight deviation from the sleep schedule causes the body to experience stress and unsettles. Try to get up simultaneously on weekdays and weekends to feel less tired. And if you spend time at a party or stay up late on Friday or Saturday, spend the usual number of hours resting — seven or eight.
5. Keep the variety
If you spend a lot of time on the same activity, it starts to get boring and seem boring. This also applies to weekends — we pay them the same way, so we feel tired and morally depressed. So that Mondays don’t seem nasty and tiring, try to make your weekends diverse. Changing the sequence of tasks you do every Sunday can help you experience a sense of novelty and recharge your batteries.
6. Start Monday with a pleasant lesson
Many people perceive Mondays as a living nightmare, as they immerse themselves in everyday and complex tasks, barely having time to wake up. To feel cheerful and not exhausted and depressed, start the week with a pleasant activity. For example, stop by a coffee shop at home and buy yourself a favorite drink or listen to an episode of a podcast you’ve been interested in for a long time on your way to work. A little thing that helps you feel happier will make your Monday less painful and relieve you of the blues.
7. Get ready for Monday or Friday

Before you leave work on Friday, organize your workspace, create a balanced to-do list for the next week, and complete all outstanding issues. This will help reduce the anxiety characteristic of the beginning of the working week and allow you to rest well on the weekend without worrying about work tasks. Monday morning will be more structured and more manageable, which will help you feel better.
8. Develop an email parsing strategy
A mountain of emails is a common cause of Monday fatigue. No one likes to reply to a million messages, separating the important from the secondary. So that the mailbox does not poison your life at the beginning of the week, develop a strategy to help make your life easier. For example, you can create folders where the most important emails that need to be answered first will fall and leave less urgent messages at the end of the day or after lunch.
9. Avoid excessive workload
Look at your work calendar: if it’s packed with essential things and meetings on Monday, it won’t be easy to feel cheerful. Avoid excessive exertion at the beginning of the week to stop feeling powerless. Try to make Monday’s schedule easy and manageable so that the workload does not bring stress and does not force you to do things in a hurry.
10. Change your mindset

Maybe Monday is colored black for you. Even on Sunday, you start to think it will come and get upset that the weekend has flown by so quickly. Such a mood can cause moral exhaustion and a total lack of motivation at the beginning of the week. Change your mindset so that Monday stops looming over you like a thundercloud. Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and tell yourself: “This is going to be a great day.” Every start of the week is a new start and a chance to achieve more.