A woman died after being licked by her cat

An 80-year-old Australian woman spent nine days in a coma before dying after her cat licked her wounds, causing bacterial meningitis.

A resident of the Australian city of Melbourne died after being scratched and licked by her cat, Herald Sun reported on July 5.

According to the media, the 80-year-old woman was found unconscious by her relatives in her bed next to the cat. The doctors discovered in the pensioner,s organism the bacterium Pasteurella Multocida, which causes bacterial meningitis, as the source specifies.

“My mother slept with the cat, and obviously he licked the wound all night, and the saliva that entered his bloodstream caused the damage,” said the victim’s daughter.

According to media reports, the woman spent nine days in a coma, after which she was disconnected from the survival system.

The danger of cat saliva

Local hospital director of infectious disease Lindsay Grayson, quoted by the Herald Sun, warned owners not to let their cats lick open wounds. At the same time, she stressed that those with immune system disorders should avoid these animals.

“It’s a big problem, and it is increasingly emerging as an unrecognized cause of heart valve infection, which is obviously fatal if left untreated,” Grayson told the media.

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