Africa: International Women’s Day, the challenges ahead!

The world is celebrating the international women’s day on Thursday, March 08, as formulated by the UN.
However, in France, one prefers “international day of the rights of the woman”.
Whatever the wording, the focus must be on real gender challenges, especially in Africa where women are relegated to the background.
Women enjoy a special attention this Thursday, March 08: Discount on beauty products or cutlery.
Some companies offer their female staff vouchers in decoration or furniture signs.
Outside of this day, it seems that the woman is forgotten the other days.
The recent scandal over sexual abuse is a good illustration of the dysfunction in the balance of power between men and women in the 21st century.
For example, at the level of the salary grid. In patriarchal societies in Africa, it is rare to see a man and a woman, with equal function and competence, receiving the same salary.
This fact is attributed to the responsibilities of the man in the family.
Governments are slow to address this situation in order to eliminate pay gaps and balance quotas in decision-making.
For the more “just”, the quota of women in these bodies is set at 30%.
In addition, the materialization of women in the advertising world, music or film, commercials.
What do these women’s daily life say about misogyny, stereotypes, sexism in the office, on the street, at a bank counter, or at a restaurant?
Are these, among others, the challenges on which the day of March 8 is to bring the world to look.
This day is not enough to win them. One thing is sure, it echoes the word of women, it’s already a start!