African countries where women know how to make their husbands happy

In African, not every woman knows how to pamper their man. In These African countries, women have the reputation of learning how to make their husbands happy.

Men! They like to play the gentleman, the big boss. But in reality, these are big babies who rely on their companions to pamper and cuddle them. They remain little boys who need their “mother.” And in Africa, some men are luckier than others at this level.

Ivory Coast

African countries where women know how to make their husbands happy

Despite the emancipated status that they strongly claim, Ivorian women are real mother hens with their spouses. They care about their home and play a role similar to that of their mothers before them.


African countries where women know how to make their husbands happy
©Lipstic Alley

Known to be gentle and caring, Guineans are excellent wives, in the traditional sense of the term.

Burkina Faso

African countries where women know how to make their husbands happy

Burkina is still strongly influenced by traditions. And these demand from the wife a complete submission to their husband.


African countries where women know how to make their husbands happy

Submissive, ready to do anything to make their man happy, Malian women seek above all the pleasure of their husbands.


African countries where women know how to make their husbands happy
©Haute fashion Africa

Nigerian women have a reputation for knowing everything there is to know about the needs of men. So it is easy for them to please any man.


African countries where women know how to make their husbands happy

Add all of the qualities listed above. The result is a Senegalese woman.

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