Another sad record in Italy: 793 deaths by coronavirus in the last 24 hours

In Italy, the record has been broken again in the number of deaths in 24 hours due to the coronavirus. Civil Protection reports that 793 people were killed in the past 24 hours. In total, 4,825 people in Italy have already died of the virus.

The number of infections in Italy has increased from 47,021 to 53,578, an increase of 13.9 percent, according to the Civil Protection. The worst affected region of Lombardy is still in a critical situation, where 546 people died one day. In total, the number of deaths there is 3,095. Twenty-five thousand five hundred fifteen people in the region are infected with the virus.

In Zogno, Lombardy, funeral directors and a priest are the only people present at a funeral of a corona victim.
©AP – In Zogno, Lombardy, funeral directors, and a priest are the only people present at the funeral of a corona victim.

Of those infected initially across Italy, 6,072 have fully recovered today, compared to 5,129 the day before. There are 2,857 people in intensive care compared to 2655 earlier.

Friday also saw a record number of new deaths in Italy, when 627 people died in one day. That was an increase of 18.4 percent. The Italian government tightened lockdown measures on Friday. The regions in the north, however, are demanding a complete curfew in hopes of containing the virus

On Thursday, Italy overtook China as the country with the most deaths from the highly contagious virus.

The morgues in the vast area of Bergamo are overcrowded. Army trucks containing the corona victims' coffins are to divert to crematoriums outside Lombardy, such as here at a cemetery in Ferrara in the less severely affected region of Emilia-Romagna. After the cremation, the urns go to the relatives in Lombardy.
©AP – The morgues in the vast area of Bergamo are overcrowded. Army trucks containing the corona victims’ coffins are to divert to crematoriums outside Lombardy, such as here at a cemetery in Ferrara in the less severely affected region of Emilia-Romagna. After the cremation, the urns go to the relatives in Lombardy.
Another sad record in Italy: 793 deaths by coronavirus in the last 24 hours
Another sad record in Italy: 793 deaths by coronavirus in the last 24 hours

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