Belgian (40) is sentenced to life for gruesome rape and murder in South Africa

In South Africa, a Belgian nationality has been sentenced to life in prison. Jurgen Vandekeere (42) raped Chantelle Barnard in 2011. Afterward, he cut her throat. He was exposed but was able to flee and was wanted by Interpol for six years. At the beginning of this year, he turned himself in to the police.

Victim Chantelle Barnard (21) was found dead in Benoni in April 2011. At the time, she lived in a house on a site that belonged to the family of Jurgen Vandekeere. The woman had been kidnapped, raped, and her throat slit. Then the perpetrator washed her body.

A short time later, Jurgen Vandekeere was exposed as the perpetrator. He was subsequently released pending trial by paying bail.

When that was to start in 2013, he turned out to be without a trace. Relatives of the victim feared that the man, who has both South African and Belgian nationality, had fled to Belgium. After all, he would still have ties in Belgium. But it is not clear whether he really fled to Belgium.

Wanted by Interpol

Vandekeere was searched by Interpol for at least six years. Nevertheless, he remained without a trace until he reported himself to the police in South Africa at the beginning of this year. He would have been convinced of this by his father.

Although Vandekeere denied the rape and murder during his trial, he was found guilty by the court in Pretoria late last week. Since Monday, he also knows his sentence. Twice life sentences, plus five more years in prison for obstructing the judicial process.

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