‘Biden Beauty’: Will Joe Biden win the election with make-up?

Joe Biden isn’t alone in the running to become America’s new president. He also has great ambitions in the beauty world, apparently. Not really, of course, but ‘Biden Beauty’ is a fact

The anonymous bright minds behind the new cosmetics brand are campaigning for blue as the trend of this fall… also in the voting booths. “Because blue makes orange disappear into thin air.”

In the United States, getting everyone to vote is still no mean feat. Young people in particular are difficult to reach: they prefer social media and influencers than politics and presidential candidates.

A group of anonymous creatives – beauty industry insiders- reportedly came up with a new way to reach those youngsters: with a hip make-up brand.

‘Biden Beauty’ says it is ‘the most influential influencer beauty brand’ of the year. The face: Joe Biden. The catalog: in terms of products, for the time being rather minimalist. But their message is clear.

You can buy a beauty blender for twenty dollars – a blue one, of course. With the slogan: ‘Blend it like Biden’. And in addition, tote bags, hoodies, and badges also adorn the webshop.

All in the color blue: the color of the Democrats in America, but also the direct neighbor of orange in the color wheel. “Get your face ready to beat orange,” the brand writes on Instagram. One look at Trump’s skin color and you know what they mean.

The proceeds of the items sold are donated by the brand to the Democratic National Committee, an organization that supports Democratic candidates. But above all, ‘Biden Beauty’ wants to get the younger generation to vote.

‘Voting is beautiful’, proclaims one of the badges. And shoppers will also find information on voting registration, statistics showing just how much young people can influence elections, and more useful information at bidenbeauty.com. “Voting is true self-care,” the brand writes on social media.


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