Big questions about Kim Jong-un’s health: “He is in great danger”

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has received medical treatment this month and is now struggling with health problems, according to South Korean media. The American news medium CNN learned from a source within the intelligence services that Kim is “in great danger after an operation”. South Korean sources later stated that Kim Jong-un is ‘not seriously ill’.

According to the Bloomberg news agency, President Trump’s government was unsure whether Kim was alive or dead after the surgery, an anonymous employee reported. The White House was unwilling to respond to the rumors.

The Chinese Communist Party denies that the North Korean leader is in a critical condition, according to a member of the diplomatic agency who also wanted to remain anonymous. Sources from the South Korean government confirmed that Kim Jong-un is “not seriously ill”. There are also no indications of “unusual activities” in North Korea, it said.

There was no official response from North Korea, although this should come as no surprise. In any case, Pyongyang is not in the habit of spreading information about the North Korean

leader, who is probably 36 years old, and his family.


There has recently been speculation about Kim Jong Un’s health after he apparently missed some celebrations in honor of the birth of his grandfather Kim Il Sung on April 15, a national holiday in North Korea. On April 11, Kim attended another important party meeting in Pyongyang.

South Korean media reported that Kim is being treated after surgery for the cardiovascular disease earlier this month. News site Daily NK, which is mostly run by defected North Koreans, reports that Kim is rehabilitating in a villa near Mount Kumgang after an intervention on April 12.

According to the website, the health of the North Korean leader has deteriorated in recent months due to obesity, heavy smoking, and hard work.

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