China and US making progress in negotiations on trade dispute

The United States and China are making progress in their negotiations on the trade dispute. That is what the Chinese president Xi Jinping and his American counterpart Donald Trump announced tonight.
Xi Jinping and Trump have had a long telephone call today. “Both countries want to make progress in their relationships,” the Chinese president said. “China and the US both want an armistice in their trade war.”
Trump also confirms progress in the negotiations. I have “Just had a long and very good call with President Xi of China,” the American president tweeted. “If made, it will be very comprehensive, covering all subjects, areas and points of dispute. Big progress being made!”
In early December, at the G20 summit in Argentina, Trump and Xi Jinping agreed to use a cease-fire in the trade dispute for ninety days. No new import duties would be launched during that period or existing import duties would be increased to allow for consultation.
Bloomberg reported Thursday that a US delegation is going to Beijing in the week of January 7 to try to get trade negotiations with China.