Cleaning company ISS removes 100,000 jobs worldwide

Cleaning company ISS will eliminate 100,000 jobs worldwide over the next two years. In total, approximately 490,000 people work at the facility services provider. The company will also depart from thirteen countries in the coming years.
The aim of the operation is to simplify the management. ISS, one of the largest employers in Europe, says it wants to do more business with large important clients, such as international banks.
The countries where ISS ceases its activities are the least profitable. These include Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Estonia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania. Together, these countries represent about one-eighth of the turnover and 8 percent of the operating profit.
As a result of the divestment of the activities, the number of ISS customers decreases by about half.