Col. Doumbouya retire over 40 army generals for “lack of disciplines”

Colonel Mamady Boumbouya, also president of the Guinean transition, has sent around forty army generals to retire. The decision was a big surprise, especially since General Sékouba Konaté, who had affirmed his support for the junta, is one of the officers sent to retire.
Thus, the decree read on the national television of Guinea specifies, in its article 2, that in accordance with the general and particular statute of the officers, the following rights are granted to them: The totality of the monthly index pay which evolves according to the scale of annual pay and a housing allowance equivalent to 75% of the index pay, reports Guinéetime.
In addition, this action of Colonel Doumbouya speaks volumes about his decision to reform in depth the Guinean army known for its complexity and its lack of discipline.
The military officers concerned are:
- Army General Sékouba Konaté;
- Army General Namory Traoré;
- General of the army corps Aboubacar Sidiki Camara;
- Corps General Ibrahima Baldé;
- General Mohamed 2 Bangoura;
- Major General Alpha Oumar Diallo;
- Major General Fodé Keita;
- Major General Fodé Touré;
- Major General Bouréma Condé;
- Major General Amadou Doumbouya;
- Major General Adrien Naby Youssouf Soumah;
- Air Division General Bambo Fofana;
- Major General Siba Loholamou;
- Major General Mathurin Bangoura;
- Brigadier General Oumar Sanoh;
- Brigadier General Ansoumane Kaba;
- Brigadier General Mohamed Diané;
- Brigadier General Pépé Roger Sagno;
- Brigadier General Tidiane Diallo;
- Brigadier General Abdoulaye Keita;
- Brigadier General M’ma Hawa Sylla;
- Brigadier General Amadou Kaba;
- Brigadier General Aly Moussa Camara;
- Brigadier General Ibrahima Kalil Condé;
- Brigadier General Naby Youssouf Bangoura;
- Brigadier General Aboubacar Diakité;
- Brigadier General Mohamed Lamine Keita;
- Brigadier General Bachir Diallo;
- Brigadier General Boundouka Condé;
- Brigadier General Aboubacar Biro Condé;
- Brigadier General Édouard Théa;
- Brigadier General Mohamed Lamine Diarra;
- General practitioner Rémy Lamah;
- General practitioner M’bemba Kaba;
- Air Brigadier General Sidy Yaya Camara;
- General of the air brigade Aboubacar Monchon Bangoura;
- Air Brigadier General Georges Sy;
- Brigadier General Mamadou Dian ‘Diallo;
- Admiral Zézé Onivogui;
- Admiral Lansana Touré;
- Brigadier General Oumar Kandé;
- Brigadier General Ousmane Camara