Complex workouts useful for limited training time

We don’t always have the opportunity to devote much time to isolated workouts, helping to work out each muscle group separately. But this does not mean you must give up fitness and lead a sedentary lifestyle. If you are busy and want to exercise, take a closer look at complex exercises.
They involve several muscle groups and joints at once, which helps to become stronger and improve physical fitness without spending too many hours in the gym.
7 Complex workouts useful for limited training time
1. Squats with a barbell on the back

This is one of the best complex exercises. It helps build strength in the three largest muscle groups: the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. This type of squat helps to strengthen the back, lower back, and body while simultaneously training the balance of the body. Set the barbell of the desired weight at a level just below the shoulders. Stand under the crossbar with your feet hip-width apart.
Position the barbell to rest on the upper back muscles, not the back of the head. She should lie comfortably; put a towel under her if you feel discomfort. Now, grab the crossbar with a wide grip. Bend your knees and straighten your back, look up, and push off with your feet to take the weight off the rack. Take a small step back and stabilize your position. Keeping your gaze directed forward, slowly lower your body down to do a squat.
Do not tilt the body when you descend. Squat until your hips are parallel to the floor, then slowly lift your body, pushing off with your heels. Do not bend your knees completely when you get up. Do a few more repetitions of the exercise.
2. Deadlift with a barbell

Deadlift allows you to lift the heaviest weight of all the complex exercises you can do. It helps significantly increase the muscle mass of both the lower and upper body and develop grip strength. Grab the bar with a wide grip from above. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, your socks should be under the crossbar, and your feet should look straight ahead or be slightly turned to the sides.
Press your heels firmly to the floor and keep the spine neutral. Slowly lower the barbell as low as possible, bending your knees and straining your body. The neck should “slide” close to the shins. Then, lift the barbell to the starting position. Do not pull the weight with your hands; the correct exercise technique involves straining the body and legs.
3. Strict bench press

This is a rather difficult but effective exercise—it helps develop the strength of the shoulders and arms and strengthens the body. If it’s difficult for you, stand up, sit on a bench, and start with a low-weight barbell. Take the barbell with the upper grip; palms should be at shoulder level or slightly wider. Bend your legs slightly. Hold the barbell at your collarbones, close to your body.
Tighten the body and buttocks to protect the lower back from possible injuries. Elbows should look at the floor. Visit. A F R I N I K .C O M , For the full article. Take a deep breath, and lift the barbell over your head to exhale. When your arms are almost straight, tilt your head forward so your biceps are near your ears. Pull your head back, lower the barbell to chin level, and do a few more lifts.
4. Shrugging the shoulders
If you want to develop your whole body’s strength, use dumbbells and do this exercise. Be sure that your body stays upright. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells in each hand, turn your palms to yourself, and press them against your hips. Lift your shoulders as high as possible and stay in this position for a few seconds. Then, rest a little, take the initial one, and repeat the movement.
5. Steps with dumbbells

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the thighs, hamstrings, and buttocks. And with it, you can challenge your balance, as it may seem more challenging to perform than it may seem at first glance. First, find a chair or an empty bench in the hall, about fifteen to thirty centimeters high.
Take a dumbbell in each hand. Put your right foot on the bench and stand up, pulling your shoulders back and bringing your shoulder blades together. Then, perform the reverse movement, dropping to the floor, and do the exercise on the other leg.
6. Bench press with a narrow grip
You probably know that bench press is one of the best exercises for developing chest and triceps muscles. To complicate the task and make the training more effective, we suggest performing it with a narrow grip. To begin with, lie down on the bench and grasp the neck so that your palms are about thirty to fifty centimeters apart.
Make sure the wrists are not uncomfortable—if this happens, place your hands a little further apart. Arch your back and take the barbell off the racks. Lower it to your chest and squeeze it out when it almost touches your body.
7. Bentover Row
This exercise helps strengthen the widest, trapezius, and rhomboid muscles and the lower back. When you do it, make sure that your knees remain slightly bent. To begin with, grab the crossbar of the barbell with a grip from above and keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower the barbell and hold it in front of your hips.
Bend over and lower your body to become almost parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight, and do not tilt your head back or tilt your head to your chest. Bring your shoulder blades together, pull the barbell up to your stomach, and then slowly straighten them—this is one repetition of the exercise.